
Is there any other act of supreme kindness in daily life...?

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than someone telling you "don't think about what your actions can mean or do to me, just think of your own happiness"?




  1. Great Question!

    This actually would not be an act of supreme kindness because it would breed greed and contemptment on a deep level between the two people.  

    This supreme act of kindness would be to act this way but not say anything in the first place (grace)

  2. that would pretty much establish one of the person as the other ones slave.

  3. It's hard to make other people happy when you are not happy.  

  4. The lady from the South has the most deeply spiritual answer.  It is the little acts of kindness, respect etc  from the millions of ordinary people to others that allow this creation to exist from moment to moment.  A great saint once said, " I do small things with great love."  Put all power plays aside of me and mine and you and yours and just live with gratitude and consciousness and keep opening those doors !!!

  5. Thinking of your own happiness is selfish. You should put others happiness above your own. To serve others no matter the cost is supreme kindness for me.

  6. be grateful for another beautiful day...

    ...thanks for asking...

  7. If only I knew the age and gender of such a person,  I would say it is more an act of Love than kindness...someone giving you the full rights to walk right across his/her heart...trample it,  tear it, which ever way use it...just be happy!!!

    Do such people still exist in this day and age?  I thought the last warrior died in 1997!!!

    And Please!  Don't make me all sentimental and gooey by writing of such stuff when I am concentrating on being iron-hearted! *tears*

  8. Someone told you so??  I want to befriend too!!!


    How very sweet and how very rare to hear such!!  You, lucky girl!


  9. Putting others' happiness before yourself is a supreme act of kindness..saying to watch your own happiness is rather selfish. It may sound ridiculously corny and maybe it was something your first grade teacher and your mother told you everyday but all you have to do is just treat others how you would like to be treated. I promise, from my own life experiences, good will come from that. Just be kind to everyone around you and you will receive kindness in return.  

  10. The Golden Rule:

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

    Just treating people with respect and kindness does wonders.

    The statement you quoted is meant to make you think of the consequences. When someone says "don't think of how your actions will affect me", it's a kind of reverse psychology -of course you're going to think of how it will affect that person.

  11. well your choice before mine is one definition of kindness, perhaps it is best expressed in a less dramatic phrase

  12. aww..that's so cute...!

    nahh nobody has ever said that to me..but anybody is lucky to have somebody like that in their life..they really & truly do love you..

  13. consider this:

    Love is simply the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own

    --- Robert A. Heinlein

  14. first off i think being specific as supreme kindness is hoity. kindness itself, especially from the random act of a stranger whether big or small, should be appreciated and respected. i'd hope the fact that you're looking for an act of "supreme kindness" doesn't exclude you from seeing day to day kindness therefore give you the impression that there isn't any...simply because it's not "supreme". it's called respect. i think if people embrassed a strong sense of respect for their fellow man, these supreme kindnesses wouldn't seem so supreme. they would simply be apart of everyday existence.

    i am by know means a hardcore feminist but i was raised in the south and the people there do display a bit more courtesey, what we call "bein raised right". i'm speaking specifically about opening doors for people. and not just men opening doors for women but any s*x opening and holding the door open for their fellow man regardless of s*x, color, race, size, hair color, ect. i now live in chicago, and it amazes me how people will drop a door on you, seemingly when a little bit of door holding would be more appreciated; like when you're holding a lot of stuff and you need the assistance. man, they will be in such a hurry that i'm sure that .2 seconds of helpfulness would just kill 'em! so when someone does exhibit that bit of kindness, i'm very thankful because it seems to be lost at times.  

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