
Is there any other animal in the sea that can kill a whale?

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Is there any other animal in the sea that can kill a whale?




  1. Yes...the Loch Ness Monster

  2. Any number of viruses or  bacteria - why does it have to be big?

  3. Orcas are probably one of the biggest natural threats to the great whales, killing them by strong teamwork. This is rather masochistic though, for in the end, most orca pods end up only eating the tongue, and/or lower jaw.

    Sharks do eat whales as well, but the whales are too wounded to fend themselves off, or are already dead.

    The dolphins ganging up on whales is c**p, because whales don't go attacking the dolphins, excluding the orca. In fact, dolphins love riding the bow waves given off by the great whales.

    Cookie cutter sharks (look them up; they're freaky lookin' buggers) cut circular wounds into a whale's flesh, but they are about the size of your fist, thus having next to no harm on the animal.

    Between battles of sperm whales and giant squids, the sperm whale almost always wins. However, the squid can put up a nasty fight, leaving deep scars on a sperm whale's side and face.

    Polar bears eat beluga whales. In the winter, they'll wait for beluga whales to come up to a breathing hole for air, and then hopefully scratch at the blowhole, so the beluga cannot breathe. Also, if the belugas get trapped in ice, or stranded, they are screwed.

  4. Giant Squid can cause so much blood loss/ pain that the whale will die.

  5. Killer whales only enemies are people they are hunted for their oil and blubber.

  6. Yes as most people have answered,Orcas (Killer whales),however as orcas hunt in groups known as pods,they tend to go for juvenile whales, working in a pod,they try to seperate the calf from it's mother and drown the calf,as whales need oxygen what the orcas do is keep the calf under water and using their body weight,lay over the blow hole,eventually fatigue sets in and the calf has no more fight left. Adult whales are a different matter,although essentially "defenceless",an adult can and does use it's massive tail as a weapon to fend off attacks.

  7. Dolphins often get together in gangs and kill whales that they perceive as a threat to their pod.

  8. orcas... man...

    And if theres any megaladons out there i bet they could too...

  9. 1. giant squid

    2. other whales (orca)

    3. shark

    4. porpoise

    5. man

    6. bacteria/ virus

  10. Killer Whales (or Orcas) are known for attacking whale calves - but "Killer Whales" are actually Dolphins!

  11. Killer whale and humans

  12. Yes, and they are called orcas or killer whales.

  13. Man when he gets in a boat and kills them.

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