
Is there any other election process on this planet as great and spectacular as ours in the U.S.A.?

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Is there any other election process on this planet as great and spectacular as ours in the U.S.A.?




  1. Remember, this is the country that made pig calling and cow patty tossing sports. We will make anything entertaining. Although I should say that the DNC convention has been a yawn-fest so far.

  2. Do you honestly think your process is spectacular. I think it is rigged.

  3. No, because we are the best.  

  4. Not since the party rallies at Nuremberg.

    The political season in this country is as long and as exciting as baseball season.  With more and more states moving their primary days forward, the third tuesday in January should be the Iowa caucuses, the first tuesday in February is New Hampshire votes  everybody else decides first tuesday in March.  Super delegates remain free to make up their mind between then and the convention, at least this way all the ads get targeted at them, not us.

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