
Is there any other fish breeds i can put in the tank with my male betta fish?

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I read on a couple of sites that betta fish can be housed in the same tank as other tropical fish.... I was wondering if anyone does this or knows of any breeds that would coexist peacefully with my little betta?

My tank is a 5 gallon tank




  1. anything as small as him and doesnt look like a betta, also dont use a filter that makes a current, bettas cant stand even the slightest water movement.

  2. If you put some sort of divider in the tank then you can put any breed of fish in on the other side of the divider. If you don't have a divider then I don't think you can put any fish with it. I heard they are a very vicious breed of fish.

  3. yes you can

    you can put 3 male platies

    as well as 3 otocinclus OR 3 pygmy cory cats which are bottom feeders

  4. you could put any fish in there but the beta would probably attack it. but i dont think they can do that much damage so i would put a cheap fish in first just to see what happens

  5. How about a African Dwarf Frog?  The betta is more likely to attack a fish because of territory but frogs are good tank mates.  Do not get confused with AFRICAN CLAWED FROG its completely different.

    Here's a pic

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