
Is there any other gun-interest group other than the NRA?

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Name one. The NRA folks should just name themselves the National Republican Rifle Association. They aren't even in favor of background checks -- not even to check for former acts of terrorism this gun buyer might have committed. Why don't Democrats start their own "independent" gun lobby oranization and counter this insanity? Why do Democrats even try to win support of the NRA, they'd have about just as much luck as they would gaining the support of the GOP!




  1. I'm sure there are small private organizations, but the NRA is the best to go with, all money funded to them goes towards fighting for your rights to bear arms. If we ever get a president that wants to put certain restrictions on owning fire arms or ammo, the NRA is the ones that fight against that bill being passed.

  2. I am sure there are, but no where near as radical.

  3. Nobody of note.

  4. GOA - Gun Owners of America.

    And I don't think the NRA likes McCain either because his pro-gun record isn't that great.

    Do you trust the Government?

    The 2nd Amendment is the most important one because an armed Society is a free society. Look at history.

  5. Second Amendment Society

  6. I'd agree with you, but only to a certain degree. You see, the Right to Bear Arms is something that was established to allow the people to adequately protect themselves from any threat, foreign or domestic, including their own government. Granting too much power to the government in regulation of a constitutional right completely defeats the purpose of the constitutional right in the first place.

    You might not have been paying attention to this in school, but America used to be ruled by the British Crown. It's true, you can look it up if you like. After people got fed up with being governed and taxed unfairly, they put together a little rebellion which has come to be known as The American Revolution. In this, Americans won a war for national self-determination, and in creating their new government, they made sure that they didn't do to their own citizens what the British Crown had done by denying them essential freedoms. Among those freedoms is the right to have weaponry that would allow you to rebel again if the need ever arose.

    Of course, most anti-gun activists see guns as being the cause of violent crime, and not a society that fails to adequately punish criminals the first, second, or third time. That's like blaming the diaper for a kid pooping in it.

    The definition of a "liberal" is someone whose values aren't being threatened ... at the moment.

  7. Yes, honey.

    Gun Owners of America.

    Second Amendment Foundation.

    Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership.

    Democrats want to Take Away Gun Rights.

    But Democrats Support Terrorist Rights.

  8. What part of "shall not be infringed" do Libs need to have explained to them?

    We do NOT need "gun control"..... we need CRIME CONTROL.

    Let anyone own any gun they want!!!..... but IF they use it ILLEGALLY, then we should punish them so severely, they beg for the death sentence.

  9. doesn't make any difference...without them,there wouldn't be a 2nd would have been taken away years ago...get a life



  11. Gunowners of America is a more non-partisan group, more popular with libertarian types than party line Republicans.

  12. Nope, you know it's like in these Western movies "This town is to small for the two of us. Pow pow pow".

  13. GOA and SAF.

  14. I dont think so

  15. all others are wannabes so they dont count...only the NRA is an effective much so that Taco Bill Klinton,the Democratic demi-god himself, said after the 2000 elections that"Gun Control cost Al Gore the election"....good words for politicans to live by

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