
Is there any other work out than playing basketball?

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When i play basketball i feel great after because it really gives me a workout. nothing gives me a workout as great as playing a pickup game of bball. I sweat and feel like i lose a lot a weight. but the thing is i go to the gym a lot and nothing there makes me break a sweat (treadmill, elliptical machine, etc) ARE THERE ANY ALTERNATIVE THINGS AT THE GYM THAT CAN GIVE ME A WORK OUT THAN BBALL?




  1. maybe you dont break a sweat because youre not trying hard enough.

    push yourself to the limit & youll see results.. if you can sweat playing basketball, you can sweat on a treadmill, up the speed or run for a 15 min-30  min period.

  2. Join a flag football league , they have leagues for kids and adults, its fun you run constantly and you would find it addicting just as much as basketball.

  3. swimming and boxing are great workouts, plus you'll work muscles you've never used before. Also surfing if you can get to a beach. I ran track in high school and college but I tore my knee up in a car accident my sophomore year and I needed to find another way to keep in shape and these three worked out great for me.

  4. Basketball really is the best sport to play to work out. It's way more fun than say, soccer. But there is also constant running as opposed to football (american) where you take 40 second breaks in between 10 seconds of action. Or even worse, baseball, where there's minute breaks in between 0.5 seconds of action. Occasionally there's a hit but more than likely it wont go any where near you.

    There are more specialized sports that can give you an excellent workout, fighting and water sports to name a couple. Give me a water ski and 5 minutes and I'll be dead tired.

    I don't know why you need or want to go to a gym, if you play basketball regularly you should be in excellent shape.

  5. 70% diet 30% exercise..

    I am a trainer bro.. trust me as a person who learns from books AND experience.... I used to be 210 now im 155lbs... im only 5ft 5 so thats a pretty massive difference for my body....

    but PLEASE learn from my mistakes... before i knew about nutrition and proper workout techniques i was really abusive always trying to push harder and harder... which later on with the help of other contributers led to some pretty serious heart problems i have now...

    I am still in shape but the way i did it was all wrong... and i was shocked when i finally got to see it with my eyes... on my best friend.. he wanted to lose weight he was 235lbs and now hes 170lbs hes 5ft 6... hes still overweight but he looks 1000X better and he feels 1000X better then before...  but most of his routine has been diet... which is the way i was taught and i was shocked to see how well it works...

    Just because u sweat doesnt mean ur burning fat... trust me... thats just ur body trying to cool u down.... and just because u dont sweat doesnt mean ur not burning fat.... but healthy people usually workup a sweat when they do continual work...

    my point is... theres only 1 right way to do a lot of things bro... wether u want to believe me or not its gona be 70% diet... but the hardest part is consistency.... u cant eat bad foods randomly.... ur body adjusts its metabolism every 2 weeks....because thats how long it takes for human cells to complete their cycle to produce new cells... not everything in ur body does this... this is why almost nothing but ur skin heals.... everything else like ur internal organs stay damaged when u damage them... thats why its really really bad to smoke... ur lungs DONT HEAL... the remaining living tissue gets stronger but the dead remains dead....

    Trust me just find a good nutrition book or website and EAT RIGHT for atleast 3 months and workout ATLEAST 4-5 days a week for ATLEAST  1.5 hours a day and i PROMISE u will lose a lot of fat.... in 3 months u can really transform ur body.... and once u reach that... ur gona WANT  to keep doing it to look even better and feel even more energetic...

    but seriously.. dont take any supplements or pills or any of that bullshit... its unatural and ultimately bad for ur body... it doesnt matter how many people are using it and how many people tell u its ok... ITS NOT!!! it works.. but its not good for ur body.. people shouldnt even be able to buy most of that **** without a prescription... but they are... make sure if u do take anything that u talk to a doctor about it first.

  6. Swimming requires you to use all of your muscles.

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