
Is there any part of a pig that is wasted after slaughtering it?

by  |  earlier

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I wonder what it would or could be?




  1. maybe only hair ,but i am not sure, hair can also be used in certain ways.

  2. The saying is that you can use every part of the pig but the squeal.

  3. I don't think it got something left to be wasted...

    hooves usually processed to be made into gelatines, blood to be a sausage(black pudding), all the head part & organs usually used in several cuisine, bones for stocks to kitchens. what else..?? And remaining meat grinded into sausages.

  4. snout

  5. not much.... there's ears and snouts,  smoked and dried for doggie chews.. pickled pig feet... boar bristle brushes... leather from pig skin... organ meats to dog food...ham, sausage, bacon and chops to us!.... what's left?.. tails?....

  6. It depends who slaughters the pig.   Commonly, blood, bones, teeth, and maybe hooves, may be wasted, or may be used by some people. If I slaughtered it, I would not save everything, but a slaughterhouse will use as much as possible.   Have you heard of a substance called "potted meat product".   It can be purchased in stores.

  7. Apart from the internals and the feet, I wouldn't waste a thing. Fresh pork is just wonderful!

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