
Is there any particular reason why flys are on this earth???

by Guest60896  |  earlier

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I mean, every animal/insect serves a purpose in some way or another....what the h**l do flys do?? LOL




  1. Good question. Like, there isn't a second in my life without five flies in my house.

  2. Nothing is here for a "particular" reason other than there was a niche, and some life form exploited it.

    In the case of flies (note spelling), the niche was a nutritional source provided by dead and decaying matter. Flies exist because DNA makes eggs that make maggots that consume carrion and excreta so that they can, after turning into pupae, make adult flies that mix their DNA to make for eggs, etc. DNA is very solipsistic this way.

  3. yes, and yes they are a mess

    they are the end stage of decay from a maggot that

    without them stuff would lay decaying for long time

  4. Wow.  I'm glad no one has asked that about me, at least not since my older brother grew up.

  5. Obviously you didn't see those pictures on Discovery Channel, or if you did you should ask about some other kind of FLIES ?!? This last ones shall transform in their next life on Earth into real actual flies which are anyhow much needed:

  6. Because they have an evolutionary survival strategy that is successful - same as every other organism.

    There is no "purpose" to the existance of any organism beyond that.

  7. Provide a link in the food chain.

    Anyway, not everything needs a purpose. Look at mosses, for example. What is the point of moss?

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