
Is there any pill out there that will suppress sexual feelings?

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I hate s*x, g*y or straight, but I still feel the physical need to relieve myself. To me, that's a waste of time and I want to become completely asexual. Is there any pill/drug/procedure out there that can eliminate s*x from my being altogether?




  1. Yes but you'll need a prescription to get it. And a very understanding doctor. It's actually called chemical castration and there are several pills and injections that will work but I wouldn't advise using them.

  2. cranberry juice

  3. Sleeping Pill

  4. Did you consult your physician about this question? Did you read anything in books, journals or on the internet?  I'm not too sure I can answer your question. Dream on it as you go to sleep, as the question and dream the answer.  It maybe many nights before you get the answer that suffices you.

  5.      Take pills for bloody depression!  I wish I didn't have to.  Believe me, that's a sure way to knock the old s*x drive on the head, (if you'll pardon the expression!).  Why do you hate s*x so much?  Is it something religious, or some other reason?  There's something a little bit skewed about your question, though.  Don't you enjoy the feeling when you actually have an o****m?  If you hate s*x so much, then simply ignore the desire.

    Good luck

    Mike B

  6. Youre strong enough to not want s*x but your'e not strong enough to control your woody? WTF? Give in to your desires people will probably like you more

  7. Gain a lot of weight, induce diabetes, get on a bunch of anti-depressants.  That should kill your drive, but it'll likely kill you.  You have to learn to control your urges.

  8. ok there is not a pill of anything out there...if u stop masturbation and viewing sexual things in time (long time) the feelings will lessen that all...

  9. If you "hate s*x" then you have a problem and a therapist should be in our future.  But to answer your question about pills that will suppress s*x - antidepressants usually work.

  10. meditate. eventually you can train yourself to abandon all sexual desires.

  11. viagra

  12. don't hold in your animal instincts!! let it out!! if you get a ***** let the world see it.


  13. awww.. there's nothing wrong with s*x. in fact, it can be great. i think you should go see a therapist -- as there is another issue here that you are not dealing with. ;-)

  14.   Yes i am with samham, take a bunch of sleeping pills.  Did I just say that?      

  15. not yet. (but trust me, they are working on it.)

  16. Yes.  A licensed therapist or psychiatrist will want to talk to you about this before prescribing but certain SRI class antidepressants can reduce arousal and need for release.

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