
Is there any place in Orange County or website where I can get tickets to Vietnam under $1150 for Christmas?

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I'm looking for a ticket from Los Angeles, US to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Can someone tell me where I can find one under $1150 since I am still a student.

Thank you very much.




  1. I'm not sure where but do look around especially at Vietnamese plazas where there are Vietnamese travel agents in at least one of them. I think you could go look around the Asian Garden Mall (Phuoc Loc Tho, i think thats how you spell it). Hope that helps!

  2. This is real tough because during holiday time, all airlines are expensive. Good luck to you and hope you will find something suitable for your budget

  3. Find a travel agency.. cuz w/ international fare.. they'll get a better deal ...

  4. Go to a travel agent in a Vietnamese neighborhood. They should be able to get you the cheapest ticket available. My travel agent always does and she gets my visa also.

  5. What about contacting with

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