
Is there any place that helps elderly people with their needs?

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My husband and I are both elderly and on Disability and we are living in a 24 foot travel trailer, which is definitely not made for a permanant dwelling, but it is all we can afford now. We have alot of medical bills, and my husband is in the early stages of Dementia and I cannot take care of him very well anymore. It is hard and we want to move to a house or apt. but we can't really afford it, and we don't even know where to go to get any help. We make too much for medicaid or any state care, but they don't take into account what we pay out on other bills.

We need help before we are totally homeless.




  1. Well obviously you are on computer and that lends you a valuable tool to contact Social Services and work through this dilemma. No one is going to come looking for you. If you indeed make to much to qualify then Social Services would be able to help with the dementia.

  2. yes ask hospital about afiling for hardship they may have you fill out some forms but sometimes they will write off some or all. also try calling senior services in your area they may have grants.  

  3. I have been doing alot of calling on the phone to get assistance myself.

    Call the agency for Aging/Disabilities through the state and let them

    answer your questions regarding your need for help. They will tell you

    the most you can make each month, in order to qualify for their pro-

    grams for low incomed seniors. There are waiting lists for reduced

    cost housing, but you can call the Council for Human Services. You

    can possibly qualify for a food and health card for medical help. There

    are so many people applying for state and federal aid today. So get

    yourself into their branch office and see what you qualify for. You may

    be very surprised to learn you qualify for more than you thought poss-


  4. You can try and ask you doctor for agency that might help,or you might try different churches they have contacts that might help.

    you should be able to get on senior housing program offered in your area    

  5. Call or visit your local town hall and ask the Town Clerk or First Selectman if your town has an Agent for the Elderly.  If not, the Town Clerk's office or the First Selectman's office should be able to give you any names and numbers of agencies that could help you.

    Since it's obvious you have internet access, you could do a Google search of your town/state.  That should show you if your town has an official website.  If your town does have an official website, it may have helpful information there.

    Also, look in the telephone book under the State and Federal Government.  Usually they are in the Blue Pages.

    Your healthcare provider is another good resource.  Just explain your situation.

    Finally, there's a website called "Senior Journal Guide to Assistance for Senior Citizens and the Elderly.

  6. Here are a few links that may help.

    Senior HousingNet

    National Council On Aging

    Endorsed by Seniors

    SNAP for Seniors


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