
Is there any place to get free web phone numbers like PrivatePhone?

by Guest21478  |  earlier

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NetZero used to offer Private Phone, where you could get a free phone number. When people called it, it went to voicemail, which you could then go listen to. It was great to use when signing up for things that will get the telemarketers calling.

NetZero quit offering this service, and I haven't found anything to replace it yet. I found a recommendation for GrandCentral, but that doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.




  1. Grand Central is completely web-based.

    Your CG Voice mail is saved and accessed strictly on-line via web.

    But, you can also "forward" calls to other phone numbers, if you don't want it to go to the GC "on-line voice mail".


    Actually, GrandCentral does work quite well and will send calls to Voice-mail.  But, unfortunately, GC is not currently issuing new phone numbers... it's on hold (so to speak).  But, hopefully, they will resume providing numbers to new users in the near future.  I have it and it works great...

  2. If I understood your question, you need a soft, by which your PC works as phone.., then try, you will get free US based incoming number,

    You can also use euthlia for free Italian, UK and romanian based numbers


    and there are many companies..

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