
Is there any place to take coke tabs and get money for them, other than just scrap value?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard that you can get about $60 for a milk jug full at some places, but I don't know where to go or how to find these places.




  1. $60?!?!?!?!

    Hahahaha, sorry honey... someone's been pulling your leg.

  2. urban legend---you might get 3 dollars for a milk jug full of tabs---depending on the weight and the price of aluminum at a recycling center

  3. that sounds like about 5 -6 lbs of common aluminum ..

    - - -  $60 NO way

    I still challenge my local independent grocer who claims McDonald's hospital house (???) reclaims them ....

    NO ONE EXPLAINS what the value is...

  4. Not only can I answer your question, but I can answer Mike L:'s question as well.

    No, you can not get $60 for a gallon of tabs, as people never really read the questions in Yahoo Answers, you would have already seen me answer this question where the reward was a guitar, a keg of beer, $50, $60, $75, $100, and even one guy "heard somewhere" that he could get $300.

    The type I silver soda tab is 10.4 ounces per 1,000 of scrap aluminum, thats it. It takes close to 1,538 tabs to equal 1 pound. A 1 gallon jug will hold between 3,450 and 4,720 tabs, so we shall use 4,085 as an average.

    4,085 tabs weigh 2.65525 pounds, as scrap aluminum is 60 cents to $1 depending where you live, that would make a gallon of tabs worth $1.59 to $2.65.

    McDonalds House Charities is the worlds largest tab collection program, 492,000,000 as of 12-31-2007. But they do not get anything special either, all those tabs just go to a scrap yard as clean aluminum. You do not have to find a local House to donate the tabs, just take them to any McDonalds, the tabs are added to delivery trucks as food is offloaded. This delivery system has been in place since the early 1990's.

    The fastes way to stop this rumor is to go to the person who told you this, and try to get $60 out of them, they wont pay. If they do pay, then they will be stuck with them.

    Anybody who chooses to believe this rumor is more than welcome to buy tabs from me, I sell them for people who need them for arts and crafts for $2.99 per thousand, which works out to about $12 a gallon

  5. I am not sure. But you can turn your Coke bottle caps into points at I have an account there. I got so many stuff from it. Check it out.

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