
Is there any point to writing down train numbers.?

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Is there any point to writing down train numbers.?




  1. It's called trainspotting.

    It is pointless.

  2. I've never got the point of the collecting numbers from trains - I understand an interest in trains but collecting every number of every vehicle :S.

    Though I do understand there are some that start with a list of numbers and cross them off when seen, makes it more of a challenge then pure statistics collection

  3. About as much point as wanting 2 points for answering this question...........

  4. Yes.  If a train has illegally blocked a grade crossing more than the time allotted by each state, the Engine number is the direct and unquestionable connection to the names of the crew operating it.

    It is a good thing to know if the train you see has a wheel on the ground or an over heated journal or car on fire.  When reporting these types of serious malfunctions the train crew can be notified immediately via the train dispatcher's radio.  The engine number will be of invaluable help for the dispatcher to know which train operating in that areas having the difficulty.

  5. It's the collect them all challenge, just something to do, like any hobby I don't think many rail fans actually do this though

  6. Actually, yes there is...

    Unlike the other answerers, when my railroad pictures and info I gather today is published for historical reasons in 50 years for coming generations interested in railroads, I'll be laughing all the way to the bank...and snickering at everyone who made fun or insulted all of us that do that....

    Besides, how is it any different than knowing every difference between two Chevy engines, model RC airplanes, or hitting a little white golf ball all over h**l trying to get it in a cup in the ground..?

    Its a HOBBY and it keeps me happy and off the streets at night.

  7. I write down the numbers because I get so board in the car on trips and the when I get home I put them on a list and I have actually seen the same engines a lot.

  8. What do you call "train numbers"?  Locomotives, wagons and cars have individual numbers, and the "train run" has also a number, so...

  9. If you really analyse many leisure occupations you could put a case that many are 'point-less', though I must admit as a recovering plane spotter (far superior to the train species), jotting down numbers does seem particularly mundane - though I'm sure it meets a deep psychological need for control.

  10. absolutely none whatsoever!

  11. Well I collect photos of shops. The best is a shoe shop R, Soles and a Chinese take away called Fook Yu

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