
Is there any politician alive who does not brag about his or her accomplishments?

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I am sick and tired of hearing what some politician (Democrat or Republican) is going to do or has done. These same people claim to be Christians. Yet, they shame the Lord by bragging on themselves. God hates arrogance.




  1. That is what they are supposed to do.  How else can we decide who to vote for if we don't know their accomplishments and ideas?  

  2. You're so wrong.  How else are we supposed to know anything good about them if they don't tell us?

  3. There is a huge difference between stating one's accomplishments and arrogance. Your insinuation that only "Christians" state their accomplishments is simply not true. You have been listening to liberal jibberish to long. Wise up, listen the the truth and you might actually learn something.

    McCain/Palin 08

  4. If they did, they would lose the next election. American politics does not reward the virtues of humility, honesty, or charity. Before you blame the politicians, though, keep in mind that they are only doing what the people reward. If American voters bothered to look past the PR spin, the meaningless ads, and the empty speeches, these things would go away. The sad fact is far more people care about appearance than substance. The most heated debates of political campaigns are over trival details (McCain's shoes, Obama's name, who is a "celebrity," who is "elitist") so irrelevant no rational person would think them important enough to talk about, let alone decide one's vote. People respond to simple-minded emotional rhetoric, and going beyond that loses votes.

    In a democracy, the people by and large get the government they deserve. And that says some very unflattering things about the kind of people we are.

    Alabama: That may wll have been true prior to the campaign. It is not now.

    Gefilte: Maybe by doing some research? We live in the information age where we have practically everything ever written just a few clicks away on the web.

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