There are rumors that planet mars once was a living planet. According to these gossips, there are creatures that live and cultivate land on Mars like what we do here on Earth. That creatures and all the living things died because of collapsion of the magnetic field of the planet which protect Mars from the dangerous effects of solar storm. Predominantly speaking, solar storm (comes from the Sun) is very dangerous-- it will kill any thing it encounters. The magnetic field of the planets serves as the protection against that solar storm. So, because of the collapsion of the magnetic field, all the living things and even non-living things in the vicinity of the planet fried. That is why, according to the rumors, planet Mars is entirely red in appearance but I do not think so... The reason why planet Mars appears red is that its atmosphere is filled with a large quantity of Carbon dioxide with relatively small amount of Oxygen... Well, we can hardly live there if there is no oxygen..