
Is there any possibility that the outer space or the universe can be a source of alternative energy?

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because i had a friend, made his own theory on how the cosmic energy can be useful to human, convert it to physical energy and use for power.




  1. Harvesting solar energy or utilizing the magnetic fields like the other answerer said is nothing new. We have the technology to do both (solar panels, and induction coils which work via Faraday's law).

    But, could we actually draw energy from the fabric of spacetime? It is not likely. In truly empty space, there is nothing there so there is nothing to extract energy from. Despite various claims for "free-energy" from nothing, there is no such thing, because you can't just create or extract energy from nothing. That violates fundamental laws of physcs.

  2. You are talking about ZERO POINT energy-- which has never been shown to actually work-- most all claims are a HOAX!

  3. Everyone says 'solar energy'...but I think you are asking for something more exotic, right? Something far greater.

    One person said that there is no energy in void. This person is incorrect. And it is NOT about extracting something from nothing. There IS something there, but our conventional detection means are very poor.

    There are no laws to subjugate, such as the thermal dynamic laws. Again, this is the incorrect viewpoint held by many. There is energy in the void, locked away in high frequency. High frequency = high energy. This is real energy. You would NOT be creating it...therefore the thermodynamic laws DO NOT apply.

    It's about conversion. Yup, that's very true Since we have created power systems which are a far flung from nature's own...anything that we extract from a natural power source will have to be converted in order to work with our present power systems.

    Or you can simply evolve out of everything mankind has percieved to date, when embracing this new and free power source. It is free. Limitless and boundless.

  4. i personally think it can because we already use the sun for solar energy, so i think it could be possible to use the magnetic waves from the planets for use in some way.. i just dont know what. it seems possible in the near future, when something runs or dies out.

  5. Of course. Think about it >> on this one planet, which isn't even one millionth of a billionth of a trillionth of the universe, we have many sources of energy. Imagine how many more there would be out there!

  6. There's lots of energy out there, the trick is harnessing it.  Most of the energy that reaches Earth is in the form of light radiation.  However, since all other stars are so incredibly far away, the vast majority of this radiation comes from the Sun.  So if you think about it, solar power is a source of "cosmic energy," and will always be more efficient than anything else along those lines.

  7. Actually, it may be possible. There is something called zero point energy which pervades the entire universe. There is enough of it in every cubic meter of space to BOIL the world's oceans! We don't yet know how to tap into it, but that might be a good thing. Such power in the hands of us warlike humans could be very, very dangerous.

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