
Is there any possible way to make it through college without drowing in debt afterwards?

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Is there any possible way to make it through college without drowing in debt afterwards?




  1. scholarships

    go to state school, then work you way through college and use all your summer income towards paying tuition

  2. Check out grants and scholarships.. is a FREE way to research such money.. Get a part-time job to offset your expenses or go to a community college to save on room/board.    Live at home for a few yrs. after college to start paying off student loans faster and don't sign up for needless credit cards.....

    Good luck


  4. Start at a community college. You will leave with your first two years completed and NO DEBT.

    Then transfer to a public university. Apply early and continue asking about scholarships until they are granted. With this route you will leave with a degree and less than $10,000 in debt, if any!

    But don't be scared of the debt because your post-graduate income will outweigh the debt. It's makes financial sense to seek higher education, loans included. GOODLUCK!

  5. These would be my suggestions :

    1) Instate tuition : The instate tuition is far lesser than the tuition paid by  out of state students so if you can attend a college within your own state itself it would save you some money.However if its important for you to attend a college in some other state due to its reputation or some other reason try this

       Attend the first year in a cheap college in that state ,become eligible for instate and transfer to your college..however you have to maintain good grades

    2) Check what scholarships are available to you,you will be surprised at how many you can get or are eligible for

    3) Some colleges offer jobs as  personal tutors or assistants to the professors ,These jobs not only pay a decent amount but also get you a full tuition waiver (not applicable in Cali)

    4) If you do have to take a loan try taking  a federal low interest loan which does not kill you with the interest later

    5) You can always work part time during summer to make some more money and pay off your university fees

    Good luck

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