
Is there any possible way to "install" wi-fi on your phone?

by Guest66721  |  earlier

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I know wi-fi is hardware, not software but I would like to know if there is ANY possible way to install wi-fi on your phone? Perhaps through download, installation on microSD or through USB. Please help! There's this Sony Ericsson I've been DYING for but I need wi-fi because I can't afford the date plan. Please help. Thanks!




  1. Just buy a phone with the internet on it........... All the phones how pretty much have the net on them you just got to find the one that you like...........

  2. NO! to add wifi would be an extensive modification and even a design engineer would not take this project.

    You need to buy a phone with intergrated 802.11x already installed. The transceiver is hardware, requires DC power and an antenna. You will not find this on a uSD substrate.

  3. no if you want wifi on your phone you have to buy one that already has it

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