
Is there any programs that can boot people off of pogo?

by Guest45172  |  earlier

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some games especially pinochle in pogo have tons of cheaters, pogo doesn't care or ea sports who is connected to them, so I

was wondering if there are any programs that can help you other than setting your own table as a host,this is a long waiting process, to have to hold up a game for hours, or loose your points..thanks all...




  1. Yes hackers can boot people, I had it happen in euchre,It cost me 300 dollars to replace my PC tower after getting a virus from a hacker kid who wanted to play king of the lounge.

    Best thing you can do is try and make some  friends that will play on regular basis with you.  Do NOt click on a trouble makers profile in games. I did and was booted,next time back in lounge nothing worked,type didn't show when i tryed chatting in lounge,rooms didn't work.

  2. There is no program for it. It might be annoying, but no programmer would spend such a long time programming for such a niche  group of people, as making a program that could do that would be very difficult. In a sense, you are talking about hacking here.

    If it bothers you that much, try reporting these people (there's almost always some sort of report button) to the moderators at the site. If enough people report someone, they'll probably take notice.

    Good luck!

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