
Is there any proof other than a couple of skulls that there is transitional fossil for the human species?

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Is there any proof other than a couple of skulls that there is transitional fossil for the human species?




  1. Yes, of course.


  3. yea, there have been other pieces of skeleton found.

  4. What do you mean 'other than'. You can't dismiss the proof and then ask for proof. How about, is there a book other than the Bible that god may have written?

  5. the skulls found are not even close to being enough proof of transitional species.

    The theory of evolution is just that, a theory, maybe if we care about science a million years from now then maybe we will have some sort of evolutionary proof of a transition between us and whatever is next in the evolutionary chain.

    btw i do not endorse or support a theory of evolution

    I believe evolution is possible, but not without a Creator.

    There is no possible way (speaking off statistics) that evolution occured randomly and by itself.

    and the Big Bang theory...what a load of nonsense.

  6. Evidence versus proof, that concerns me. Here is a quote from the referenced site that says quite a bit. "Proof" is a much stronger claim than "Evidence". Proof is similar to mathematical proofs, of which it is either right or wrong. Evidence can be weak or gray. For example, Authoritarian Evidence and anecdotes are useful evidence, but they should not normally be considered strong evidence. Some people say "proof" when they mean "evidence", probably because it is a shorter word (and easier to spell :-).

    The fact that we find any fossils is amazing due to the  circumstances that have to occur for fossilization to occur. Now you want exact transitional forms to certify evolution. Now if I question your "Faith" and ask for proof of your God, how would you provide this proof. Evolutionist have quite a few extinct life forms to show a viable line of evolution. What do you have a book of very questionable origin, that has even had books thrown out because they contain information that is not suitable with the rest of the books. When you compare item for item what do you have to fall back on, faith.

  7. No, they were all eaten.

  8. I'm not an avid anthropologist but i do love my friend


    Read away

  9. Nope, some say Evolution takes thousands of years others say one lifetime

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