
Is there any proof that Organic food is better for you?

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Is there any proof that Organic food is better for you?




  1. The only thing I have ever read about that is that organic food costs more and was grown in the local gardens. You should wash all foods any way even if they are grown without chemicals.

  2. If ecoli can be sucked up by can chemicals.  Part of the problem with Organic is that in general the American public have lost our resistance to many bacteria.  If we weren't so bacteria phobic we wouldn't get sick as much.  I would rather take the chance of a little natural bacteria being in my food than a chemical that can do more damage, possibly accumulate.  

    As for salmonella and free range eggs...wrong, any testing that has been reported shows that there is less chance of getting sick from properly handled free range eggs.  Properly includes NOT washing the egg as that can promote bacteria penetrating the porous egg shell.

  3. Apparently not. But lets be honest anything grown without chemicals, naturally must be better for you even though it costs twice as much to buy it in the supermarkets!

  4. None the words of John Lydon ' Ever been had'.

    ....Because we dont know what is and what isnt, a label means we are told.

  5. The chances of getting salmonella poisoning from organically reared chicken eggs is quite high.

    The chances of slowly getting poisoned by pesticides by eating mass produced tomatoes is also quite high.

    The chances of someone selling you stuff with a label "organic" stuck on it and yet his supplier being someone who uses pesticides is probably even higher.

  6. The last couple of food (vegetable) poisionings have been caused by e coli when livestock manure was used to fertilize the crops.  Hmmm, isn't that the same stuff used as an organic fertilizer?  I don't really like pesticides being used but they've been widely used since WWII and the proof of them being hazardous to one's health just isn't there.

  7. try drinking 20ml of pesticide with your salad.........

  8. Try this website and they have independent study reports on this subject and many many more.

  9. I've yet to see any

  10. organic food tastes better than inorganic food because it does not  use chemical fertilisers and alternative biological fertiliser are used to eradicate pests.

  11. Many times organic food is actaully less nutritional, because without using additional nutrients many trace minerals are absent.

  12. has many peer reviewed papers posted on it's site that show there is a difference in nutrition between organically grown and chemically grown foods. also has a huge body of work that says the same thing

    Over the next 10 years the Soil Association (The UK's organic certifying and research body) will be releasing a series of peer reviewed papers that will show organic foods are healthier than chemically grown food.

    Realize that until 2002 organic farming research got zero support from the USDA financially and today they get about .05% of the monies available for farming research. So the research is going on but it takes many years to get from the start of a project to a peer reviewed published paper. And that is a big reason why you have not heard much about this yet. There are some huge on going projects out there that will be releasing a lot of information about this question over the next 5 to 7 years.

  13. long term effects have shown the chemicals have carcinogens that can cause cancer,strokes, heart attack, lung collapse, and other problems

    but the majority of people seem to have become immune to the chemicals because they grew up with it from many generations

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