
Is there any psychics out there who could do a free reading on me?I will give you lots of points!!!!^-^?

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Is there any psychics out there who could do a free reading on me?I will give you lots of points!!!!^-^?




  1. here's a tarot reading for you;,

    Past;-The Lovers-

    Divinatory Meaning: The closed eyed angel Raphael floats above the two lovers below with a blazing rising sun rising in the background. Like the rising sun, new beginnings are coming about but those beginnings are based on the very choices we make. The card symbolizes the same choices that Adam and Eve made. Here you see eve with the serpent and apples near her. While eve is looking up at Raphael for help on what she should do, Adam is looking at Eve. The closed eyes of the angel suggests that no advice will be given. We must make those choices ourselves. The positive meaning of this card is that we need to decide which course we need to take. We have to call upon ourselves to give us the correct guidance. The negative association of this card is that we are not making decisions on what is truly best for us, but what might feel better in the moment. Like the rising sun or spring, decisions are right around the corner. This card can also represent adultery or a partner vying for attention.

    Present;-The Sun-

    Divinatory Meaning: Like the star, the sun is also packed with bright possibilities! In the positive, it represents happiness, joy, brilliance, vitality and optimism. This card can mean news of an upcoming birth or other glad tidings. Like the summer months it represents, this card reflects family, holidays, and a sharing of good times with loved ones. The negative association might mean delays, bad judgment or an inflated ego. The sun is powerful enough though that even if there are some negative associations, the person will pull through with a happy ending. This is considered one of the best cards a person can pull during a Tarot reading.

    Future;-Wheel of Fortune-

    The Wheel of Fortune Divinatory Meaning: The Wheel of Fortune is the Gods spinning their wheel over our lives. We are at their mercy and where it lands, only they truly know. It is fate, divine intervention, and all things we don't understand. Though we think we create our existence, much of it is already decided for us. To aid in our own outcome, we need to use the wisdom of Anubis who is to the positive force of nature's elements on the right side of the wheel and we should endeavor not to fall victim to Typhon, the serpent representing self-destruction and greed, to the left of the wheel. The positive association of this card is that if we pass the tests placed before us by the God, good fortune will be ours. A negative association is that the less we see of the lesson when it's first presented to us, the harsher its outcome. It will also return in our lives until we fully understand the meaning.

  2. I might be able to. I'm still in the growth process, and I can't always call on my gifts yet. Psychics have down days too, IOW. But I am really good at reading faces. If you'd be willing to show me an honest picture of you, I think you might be surprised at what I can tell you. But sorry, I don't do cold readings very well. I need to be able to connect to you in some way and a picture is a good way for me to do that, as I can see into your eyes (they really are the windows to the soul--you have only to look with an open heart to see). You can email me through my profile. I have a myspace account where you can see a little bit about me that I can tell you privately (sorry, don't want to announce it here).

    Otherwise... love and light to you!

  3. I'll give you a free reading:

    You feel you're smarter than most people.  You love pleasure, but have a strong distaste for things that are painful.  You aren't 100% happy in your job.  You wish you had more "me" time so you could just get things done.  I do not see any great wealth in your future, unless you marry wealthy, get a really good-paying job, inherit a fortune or else win the lottery.  You're going to find a guy you like, if you haven't found him already.  You may or may not be with him forever.  Your health is pretty good now, but you will eventually die of either an accident, old age or a medical condition.

    That's all I really see for you.  I hope you enjoy it.

  4. I will..........


  5. I say go with the physicist. He won't be any less accurate than a "psychic" and he may even help you with those nagging questions you may have on Maxwell's equations. d**n him and his demon!

  6. I'm a Physicist.  Does that count?

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