
Is there any qualification to be a skeptic or does it just mean unqualified?

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The Parapsychological Association

requires full members to hold doctoral degrees from accredited universities,




  1. A Full Member shall be a person:(c) who has a doctorate degree from a university of recognized standing OR has a professional affiliation with a recognized academic institution or research organization OR who has been nominated by three Directors.

    And don't forget the $65.

  2. There are many levels of being a skeptic, but it mostly boils down to this. You have to have a brain and keep repeating, "I'm not so sure about that," or "I don't think so. Prove it." I used to call myself a skeptic, but since I cannot prove I used to call myself one, I am skeptical about it.

  3. Someone needs all qualification to be a true skeptic, otherwise he would be just stupid.

  4. Skepticism is not an opinion, it's a method. All it means is that you proportion how much you believe in something to how much evidence there is supporting it. In short "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Anything could happen, but the crazier it sounds the more backing up it needs to be legit.

  5. Is there any qualifications to happy?  To be dubious?  To be ponderous? To be curious?  

    I am not aware of any. So why would there be a qualification to be skeptical?

    Being skeptical is part-and-parcel with being a scientist (which is an occupation primarily held by PhDs), and it behooves anyone trying to gain an understanding of this universe we live in to use skepticism as a necessary component of the scientific method.

    And good catch, Leviticus, about the qualifications for PA membership!  The asker wasn't doing his homework and it makes his question somewhat ironic now.

  6. Closed mind.

    Usually these types hold advanced degrees from years of schooling and brainwashing.

    They live in a constant FEAR that someone or something will rock their reality.

    This is the sole reason the governments of the world refuse to admit to aliens. Because they fear the breakdown of  Judeo-Christian Society (of which I subscribe).

    -That and the control that the religions and government have over the people.

    How would you react if you knew for sure that aliens would not allow us to waste the entire planet in nuclear warfare, but maybe just a little one? OR everything you heard on Sunday morning was not the whole and complete truth..?

    Fear, closed-mindedness and loss of control.

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