
Is there any real reason to retain the royal family?

by Guest33247  |  earlier

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Is there any real reason to retain the royal family?




  1. YES.

    Can you imagine this lovely country with a head Of state like George DUBYOU?????

    Heaven help us.

  2. Lemme put it this way..Is there any reason to Retain Cockroaches....Honestly

  3. No...

  4. No, they are an embarrassment in the 21st century when most other democratic nations trust their people to elect a Head of State. Why are our soldiers dying in Iraq so the people can have free elections to choose their Head of State when the same right is denied to the British people?

    People say they attract tourists. If so, build a royal theme park and charge for entry.

    Other countries like France and Egypt get far more tourists without a royal family

  5. Yes... simply put.

  6. All royalty are parasites of their society. So what reason is there to keep them, unless you like your blood being sucked out

  7. Yes, To give the rest of the world something to laugh at.

  8. Yes, American tourists love them... but then perhaps the cost of supporting them should be transfered to the US?

  9. I think there are many reasons to keep the UK Royal Family especially since they actually don't cost very much really and attract a lot of publicity and tourists. I think Britain would be rather boring if we only had Gordon Brown to amuse us.

  10. Not where I was born. They were of no earthly use to ordinary folk. UK royalty though are pretty iconic, a curiousity for the non-UK world. What's the UK without Marks & Spencers or Agatha Christies, the Scot's kilts and bagpipes and so on and so forth? Certainly the UK without the Queen and Buckingham palace would seem rather hollow and lacklustre to the veritable visitor to its fair shores. She represents a long-standing institution that gave the world its present forms of legal and ruling systems. Your monarchy is living history, testament to Britain's glorious centuries which shaped what she is today as well as the countries she once ruled in the past. All that foundation may stand her in good stead for the future as well.

  11. Is this a new name ,Lemur ?

  12. Hope you mean is there any reason to retain the monarchy, rather than the actual family.  For Commonwealth countries around the world Queen Elizabeth is a figurehead, and many are constitutional monarchies rather than traditional ones.  While it is likely that every such country debates the issue, it would mean huge constitutional changes if and when things change.  I suspect that most countries will maintain the status quo while Queen Elizabeth is alive, but when the new monarch is appointed, many countries will amend their constitutions.

  13. Of course their isn't.  There a waste of money

  14. There is nothing wrong in paying your rent other than paying your your taxes.

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