
Is there any real way i can stop animal cruelty?

by  |  earlier

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to be more specific is there any way i can make animal cruelty sentences tougher? or anyfink i can do to reduce animal cruelty ?

** my questions are reffering animal abuse in asia

please help




  1. I'm from the U.S.  Sadly I don't think we can stop what they do in asia.  We can't even stop what they do to people, much less animals.

  2. I don't know, But this is a petition against animal cruelty. Please sign it!!!

  3. Here's a great article that can help you out:


  4. The World Wildlife Fund is very active in Asia and has specific programmes re: things like c**k fighting and bears being tapped for bile. They are very aware of the difficult cultural barriers they have to overcome to get their message across and are very keen to have local members.

    Contact them at

    and they will be able to put you in contact with your nearest local group. If there is not one already you can start one. They will offer you lots of resources to  make that easier.

    Also you should consider studying some field that will enable you to get a job in the area of animal protection. So zoology or biology. Perhaps vet science or even veterinary nursing if you do not want to go to University.

    Good luck with your campaign to stop animal cruelty. We need more people like you all  over the world.

    Peace love and joy to you my friend!

    EDIT: Yahoo has thought I used a dirty word. The *** fighting is c  ock fighting. Not a dirty word but the proper term for a male bird!

  5. Well first of all that is a very good thing that you are willing to help animals. There are many Indirect and Direct ways to stop animal cruelty.

    Don't use animal products like shawls, ash tray, paint brushes, leather products etc. which have been obtained from animals especially endangered one's.

    Don't visit circuses which have animals in them. Animals like tigers, elephants belong in the forest and they serve a far more better purpose in forests than in circuses.

    You can help them yourself by rescuing any injured or lost one's to the animal shelter.

    Iinform the police or your local SPCA about any illegal activity involving animals.

    Don't buy pets especially exotic one's as these too belong to the forests rather than being our pets.

    Turn vegetarian. Most of the sea creatures people eat are becoming more and more threatened like sharks etc.

    Join sites like these -

    These sites require individuals like you who have passion for animals. You can do a lot from there.

    And also spread the word as far as possible.

    Get involved in their campaigns and use their services like sending email greetings which will help them in an indirect manner.

    You can also create your own petition for stopping animal cruelty on this site -

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