
Is there any reason left to vote for McCain?

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I was going to vote for him but he picked someone as a VP that has less experience than anyone else. What a shot in back to us Republicans. Well, it is certainly obvious who has better judgment in picking a VP. That sold me, I am now humbly switching to the other side. What a joke this GOP party has become. Have we lowered ourselves and become reactive to the Democrats instead of pro-active like before? Sickening.




  1. The Republican party today is not the same as your parents' Republican party. They had dignity before. Scums are now running the asylum.

  2. Why are you becoming a social communist.  Obama is left of the only self proclaimed socialist senator.  Do you honestly believe the government is going to take care or you?  The pick you don't like took a state budget from red to black in two years.  What may I ask has Biden or Obama done?  Biden has been wrong in his deciscions for 26 years and you like him.  Granted he's a family man, but he is a typical good old boy politician. What has Obama done?  Nothing except tell everybody how great he is.  We do not need that.  Democrats talk change, well now they have a chance.  Vote republican for change or stay with the old school tax and spend democratic ticket !!  Who in the world do you think is going to pay for Obamas ideas?  Don't let the liars cram 95% will not be taxed down your throat .Grow up pal and start swinging or you are going to lose a lot.

  3. Give her a break, she may be better than you know/think. At least she is not a Socialist. Peace

  4. if you want another Idiot...  vote for McSame

  5. 81% of the people in this country have said we are on the wrong track because of GWB...  A vote for McCain will keep us on that wrong track.

    You'd have to be drinking red kool aid to vote for him.

  6. I know!!, god forbid we put someone in office who care about issues that affect common middle class people like you and me. She has no foreign policy experience, at least Joe Biden is planning on giving a billion dollars to Georgia. I cant believe they want to put a common person in office. I'd much rather have someone who has been taking kickbacks from large corporations for several years being responsible for my views on the world.

  7. You are welcome to switch over here! God Bless you.

    Can't say much about McCain's choice, I am disappointed but not too disappointed.

  8. I'm a Moderate/Independant and couldn't agree with you more on what the Republican Party has become over the past 10 years.  Nevertheless, welcome to the side that Americans want...change that will bring prosperity to all and will improve our standing in the eyes of the world.

  9. There never were any reasons whatsoever.

  10. Like you were ever a republican.  

  11. Perhaps you've missed it.. but she still has FAR more experience than Obama.

  12. 600 days as a Governor  vs.  143 days in congress.  Who has the least amount?

  13. There's always gonna be one BIG reason to vote for McCain, one reason that trumps all other reasons and gurantees that he will get my vote. That reason is....


  14. Study up! She, a Governor for Petes sake!  Your sounding like the "broken record" media. She's not my 1st choice either. To some extent I agree with what you say.  Mit was the choice to make, as he probably would have made Michigan a  a sure bet.  All anybody with a ounce of fiscal intelligence knows, they

    have a Governor  that Obama now espouses and repeats verbatim to this day, as a means of improving a slow economy, and ultimately turning into a  disaster.  That state is in a "true" recession, not the country.  It takes 2 fiscal quarters of no economic growth to qualify.  Taxation without representation will have a disastrous affect on the economy!   Please, regroup your intellect, and redirect your humble dictates.  Save them, knowing you chose the better of the 2  self described evils, by not helping to elect a reincarnation of Jimmy Carter.

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