
Is there any reason to believe that galactic cosmic rays are causing global warming?

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A recent paper found that there has been a long-term decline of neutron count rates (and thus galactic cosmic rays [GCRs]) at the monitoring station at the South Pole.

A theory supported by Svensmark claims that GCRs "seed" clouds, which cause cooling by reflecting sunlight. So if you have fewer GCRs (because the Sun's magnetic field has increased to block them), you have less cloudcover, and more warming.

The South Pole neutron monitoring station is the only one of 5 to show a long-term trend. The paper concludes

"the long-term decline of the South Pole neutron rate is likely caused by a decrease in the intensity of ~1–3 GV [low-energy] primary cosmic rays impacting the polar atmosphere."

Considering the flaws in the GCR theory:;_ylt=Ahuxfpv5RzyHSeqsVZ1fxnEjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20071030112550AA7AXSu

Is it possible that low-energy GCRs are causing significant warming?




  1. There is no flaws in the theory.

  2. Here is a link to cosmic rays causing warming theories.

    I am sure most AGW believers will ignore this because it is on Junk science's web page...If you read it you will find it links to several credible studies and gives easy to understand descriptions as to how cosmic rays may cause GW.

    As in all science this is not fact, just a theory. The same a AGW is just a theory.

    Personally I find it ludicrous that one cause can be given to GW. The idea that man made co2 can be the sole cause of GW is not even a credible theory. Simply because climate is effected by more variables than can be figured into any model.

    In fact many models used to determine AGW are unable to predict the past 50 years of climate change with any accuracy

  3. I find it interesting that alarmists are so skeptical of this theory.  It actually fits the natural trends better than AGW theory.  Clearly, cosmic rays are not responsible for warming.  They may be responsible for periods of increased cloud cover which puts another level of complexity to climate.  AGW alarmists seem to believe they have all the answers.  They don't even know all the questions.   You seem to miss the significance of solar magnetic storms that cause increased cosmic rays at times when the earth's magnetoshere is disrupted.  Study teller's response.  If he doesn't get 10 points, an injustice will have been done.

  4. well if you lookin to it you will find its a the bigest hox's ever and you all are buying it threr is on such thing as global warming chack in to it real scint made al gore stuff

  5. possible, but there is no evidence to prove they are causing this current warming or any warming for that matter.

    last time i heard there was no evidence linking ionizing radiation to cloud formation let alone cosmic rays.

  6. Since GCRs have been around since the beginning any effect they have on climate would have been operating on this earth for the last several billion years.  Therefore, if they are causing any warming it is natural and cannot be attributed to man-induced global warming unless the chemicals man is releasing into the environment has some sort of an effect on how the earth receives GCRs.

    In short, no.

  7. I have heard of a study being done at Tokyo's Akeno Giant Air Shower Array.They claimed to have detected several that came from our galaxy above the GZK limit.Wasn't much other then a short article...but interesting

  8. Yes there is a good reason, the tropics have been cooling for over four years. This trend is  in direct conflict the AGW theory, and if some scientists are correct the Earth could be in for a long term cooling period which will make life on Earth very difficult for many decades. It is important to know the truth and not mislead people.



  9. Only one: it would be a great way for space aliens to attack us.  I think that Senator Inhofe is one of them!

    Seriously, how wild can theories get to provide some remotely plausible underpinnings upon which to anchor our denial and inaction?  

    Cloud formation and cloud cover is certainly worth studying, but there does not seem to be convincing research at this time that would indicate that galactic cosmic rays are seriously contributing to, much less "causing" global warming.

    The enthusiasm with which inconclusive or unconvincing information is misrepresented says much more about the topic than the supposed "evidence" does.  Clearly there is nothing credible to base denial on!

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