
Is there any reason to keep a home phone if you have cell phones?

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We rarely, if ever use our home phone is there any logical reason to keep it?




  1. It's more secure if you're using land line (like if you need to conduct bank transactions)

    Sometimes you can only activate a credit card/something only from a landline

    They work even without electricity (after the california earthquake, some cell users weren't able to get through, but my mom's work landline reached my house landline no problem)

  2. The main reason we keep out land line is in case we lose our electrical power which we do often enough to keep the land line.  If you lose power, you cannot use your fax, or cell phone or your internet so VOIP is useless.  Strangely enough, loss of electricity does not affect your landline unless something happens like a tree falling and taking down all your lines into your house.

  3. It is always good to have a 'landline phone'... What if you lose your cell phone? What if your battery dies, and you have an emergency? The landline phone will work when there is a power failure. (Not cordless.) If your nearest cell site has a problem, you may not even be able to call out on cell... A landline phone has no cut-outs, echo, or cell-switching noise.. Everyone has a cell phone nightmare story.!!

  4. There are no reasons at all. I know many people who don't have land lines any more. Why pay for two services.

  5. if you are short on money then i think you should cut it.but you could keep it if you want to have it in emergencys like you lost your phone ,it got broken you broke you leg and needed help and you couldn't find ur cell phone .you wan't to cut down the use of radiation if you want some one to listen to the same conversation as you when you are indifferent parts of the house when the power go's out the land line works not coadless but my family keeps a phone with a coard under the phone stand but the list is endless it's you desion

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