
Is there any reason why human have no hair? as hair like other animals do?

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and also, why do we feel ashamed or awkward when were naked?

what is the point of wearing clothes in summer.. lets say.




  1. i think only mammals do have body hair.

    and it is not true that we have no hair.

    mammals commonly have body hair, but some species have less body hair like human do.

  2. Lack of hair is one marker of a characteristic of human evolution compared to other primates. Humans retain a lot of characteristics right through adulthood that are found only in juveniles and young of other primates. This tendency is called neoteny and is probably one of the reasons we were able to evolve intelligence.

    Humans produce very helpless babies compared to chimpanzees for example which have shorter pregnancies as well. The whole process of development in humans is very slow but enables the brain to develop, hence the intelligence and lack of hair is just another juvenile trait that stays with us throughout life.

    The issue with clothes may have started out as a practical necessity in some colder areas, but is just cultural elsewhere.

  3. Well we have hair, but we lack fur if that's what you mean.

    Idk why we feel ashamed naked, it's just something that has been planted into our heads. The ancient Greeks didn't care about nudity. In fact, it was common for them to bathe in a public tub. They also participated in the Olympics while nude.

    IDK why we wear clothes in the summer. I think they're kind of uncomfortable at times.

  4. We evolved from a fruit-eating ancestor into a hunter. With well-developed sweat gland, our immediate ancestor could follow a wounded animal for days and finally killed it. Body hair does not get along well with sweat gland. Individuals with less hair had an advantage and must have been more successful at the early stage of human evolution in Africa.

    It is a cultural thing to cover our body with clothes.

  5. You don't have hair?

    You poor thing!

  6. Normal Humans Do have Hair! :S And I agree about the nakedism!! :]  :]

  7. we feel ashamed when we are naked because thats what our parents and society has taught us.  thats why little kids run around naked and dont care, and when you see their mothers freaking out about that and running around and punishing them for it, that makes them think they should be ashamed.  

    why dont we have hair. there are a few ideas about that.  a big one is to stop us from having so many bugs.  if you have a dog, you know how hard it is to ppluck a flea off his back, but as soon as it jumps on your arm , you can just flick it off no problem.    another reason is that hair is for insulation purposes.  as we evolved and were able to better find food and began farming, we developed more body fat which meant more internal insulation meaning less of a need for body hair.

  8. Reptiles universally lack hair - as do fish. Which puts paid to 'other animals'.

    Let's be more specific; call it 'other mammals'. Well, plenty of mammals lack significant body hair (ie, a fur coat) - seals, whales, rhinocerous, elephants, mole rats, to name but a few.

    Right, so why are we the only hominids to have reduced body hair? Well, we're not. We';re merely the only *surviving* branch to be 'bald'.

  9. We do have bodily hair.  It's just less concentrated and not as thick.

    Wearing clothes has to do with cultural mores.  Shame is a product of living in a society with ethical values.

    Average global temperatures have increased lately.  Just a few degrees is enough of a difference for us to feel uncomfortable - that may be why some people would embrace nudism.

    I don't know the exact evolutionary sequence that led to reduced hair on humans, but somewhere along the way, we transitioned to wearing the coats of other organisms rather than our own.

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