
Is there any religion not tainted with hypocrisy?

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Is there any religion not tainted with hypocrisy?




  1. Paganism and Heathenry.  Its decentralized, so there is no authoritative  person who oversees everything.  You make what you want of it.  If there is hypocrisy, its from your own doing.

  2. No.  Not just religion.  Politics, science, celebrities, philosophies, nowhere where man professes a point of view or claims to represent a better way of life will you find free of hypocrites.  It is just too easy to put aside supposed convictions and dogma when it becomes inconvenient.  It's like the vegetarian that enjoys the odd bacon butty, the animal rights activist that releases mink to devastate local wildlife, the peace campaigner arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.

    Hypocrisy is everywhere, not just in religion.

  3. No.

  4. Buddhism.

    Buddhism is realistic and closer to a way of life than a religion.

  5. krishtiantee

  6. Yes.  But perhaps religion isn't the issue, but your assumptions concerning religion.

  7. From way back even the Bible writers are telling you that religion is a bunch of c**p!

    Jeremiah 6:13 (NIV) "From the least to the greatest, ALL are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, ALL practice deceit."  

  8. In the words of a friend, "I once thought I found a group, but when I joined that all changed."

  9. unfortunatley, no such thing.

  10. All religions are tainted with hypocrisy that's why i don't follow  'religion'   - i follow and worship Jesus Christ who spoke out against the hypocrites of His day.

    Don't look to us - look to Jesus for the most wonderful example of all time. There was no one like Him - He is God. . .

    blessings              :  )

  11. no by definition they are all based on fantasy or at best heresay,they rely quite literally on blind faith and there are a lot of people who dont have the confidence to believe in themselves so choose to be led by people who like to have power over their weakness.......priests.

  12. Religion not tainted with hypocrisy ?????

    Religion is the  hypocrisy !

    God wanted a relationship with us and we wanted rules and regulations!!!

    Ever notice how when a speed limit sign says 55, most of us drive 60 ?

  13. First, let us define the word hypocrisy and religion:

    hypocrisy - the condition of a person pretending to be something he is not, especially in the area of morals or religion; a false presentation of belief or feeling. — hypocrite, n. — hypocritic, hypocritical, adj.

    Religion - (No 3 in the source below) A set of beliefs, values, and practises based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

    (for this definition I would complete with ... beliefs - those are based on interpretation of bible or other signs)

    As long as people are attempting to a religion, they are pretending to  follow an belief that is based on interpretation of a sign.

    So, my answer is: There is no religion without some influence of hypocrisy.

  14. Are there any humans not tainted with hypocrisy?

    Find a human that isn't tainted and maybe you will find a religion that also lacks it.

  15. I highly doubt it

    The only thing I can think of is Agnostics But it isn't a religion it's a belief so no not really.

  16. I'm afraid after all the research there is none. They are all equally as bad as each other.

  17. My guess would be no.  We are all, after all, only human.  Even the Bible tells us there will be tares among the wheat.

  18. I seriously doubt it.

  19. Is there any human not tainted with hypocrisy?  I know I am hypocritical on many things. I love beef, but I would be a vegetarian if I had to kill the cow.

  20. There is no aspect of living that isnt.  You cant let that stop you from living though.

  21. Yes. Pure Religion:  James 1:27.  <')))><

  22. no.... no religion can help what it's members choose to do

  23. No....but Jesus did not come for the self-righteous.  He came for sinners like you and me.

  24. Sadly, no.  

  25. Is there any person not tainted with hypocrisy at some point in their lives?  I can only think of one who wasn't.  That one was Christ.  I will follow after Him.

  26. Unfortunately we are all fallible human beings and none of us are perfect. Hypocrites even exist in humanism and atheism. How else would you explain the fact that so-called atheists/humanists come to the H&S section, since they dogmatically state there is no God and believe that religions are a crutch? But just because there are hypocrites in Christianity and elsewhere that does not mean all are this way.

  27. The Truth of the matter is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

  28. People are hypocrites, and people also practice religion. Only God can claimed to not be a hypocrite. People always mess up what God has planned.  

  29. No one on this earth is perfect.  

  30. Most pagan beliefs are very open-minded. I'm wiccan and really the only rule is "harm none" which is a good view for even the non-religious I feel.

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