
Is there any scientific evidence or hints to an afterlife?

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Or some sort of scientific, (not biblical) evidence that there is a soul separate from the physical body?




  1. I had a dream about a friend I lost touch with & in the dream my friends face was messed up so when I woke up I looked his name up on yahoo & I came across his obit & a news story that he died in a car crash

  2. None whatso ever.

  3. A near-death experience (NDE) is the perception reported by a person who nearly died or who was clinically dead and revived. They are somewhat common, especially since the development of cardiac resuscitation techniques, and are reported in approximately one-fifth of persons who revive from clinical death. The experience often includes an out-of-body experience. Some people refer to this phenomenon as an 'After Death Experience'The phenomenology of an NDE usually includes physiological, psychological and transcendental factors (Parnia, Waller, Yeates & Fenwick, 2001) such as subjective impressions of being outside the physical body (an out-of-body experience), visions of deceased relatives and religious figures, transcendence of ego and spatiotemporal boundaries and other transcendental experiences,Dr. Raymond Moody is recognized as the father of NDE research. He has chronicled and studied many of these experiences in several books (Moody, 1975;1977;1999). Another early pioneer is Dr. Kenneth Ring, co-founder and past President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS).

    {(here is an article;)

    (it should help you)}Scientists Validate Near-Death Experiences ABC News - January 2002


    in the source bar are some true stories,check it out...

  4. I guess the closest I've come to death was when I had a car wreck and was unconscious for a short time..till the paramedics woke me up. I didn't remember anything about that time. One time when I had somebody break in on me and threaten to kill seemed like a movie and I was almost "watching" what was happening. I thought I was going to die and I guess that was a way of keeping me from "freakin out". Afterwards, I was pacing in circles and hysterical. I'm sure I was having a panic attack.

    But, I've HEARD of many many experiences where people say they did die and what happened to them. I don't see how anyone could say there's no evidence of it since there are so many reported stories. I don't think these people would have any reason to lie.

  5. no there is not. That is the mystery of life, what happens after

  6. science has definately proven that consciousness surrvives bodily death.  I am a prospective IRM for the famous VERITAS research by Dr. Gary Schwartz at the university of AZ.   As a Medium I am a human subject that is tested under laboratory conditions.  I strongly reccomend Dr. Schwartz's book "The Afterlife Experiments"  Also here is a link to the research   Another organization for consciousness research founded by famous astronaut Edgar Mitchell is   Consciousness research is a new hot and popular science right now.  Expect growth and advancement of research institues to become mainstream soon!  xox, Melanie-Psychic2call

  7. no

  8. I don't believe everything I read. But let me recommend a book to you: "Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives", by Dr. Michael Newton. Not exactly "proof", per se - but VERY intriguing...

  9. ghosts are real seperated from body but spirt still remains  here

  10. yes, the body holds an electrical charge that can be measured and leaves the body upon expiration (death) Also bodies have been weighed just before and after death. there is also a slight drop in weight immediatly after death occurs. I dont know right off hand where you can get this info, but its out there if you want to dig it up. Science has not come up with an explanation for this loss of weight. It is thought this might be the "soul" leaving the body?

  11. nope

  12. Yes. Unfortunately the best work (in my opinion) is very dated (1901) but it still presents suggestive evidence.

    See links below.

  13. I heard from one of my friends that they did an experiment to see if the soul- if there is one- has weight.  They wieghed the body before and after death, and apparently it wieghed less when it was dead (when the soul supposedly leaves the body).

    I'm not sure if it is true or just an urban legend.. you may want to look on the web to see if such an experiment was done.

  14. Check out remote viewing. There's always room for scientific proof and plain old skepticism. Even when and if science comes up with the alleged necessary equipment to see and record spirits; the skeptics will claim it's fraudulent anyway.

  15. "Hints" notwithstanding, there is no scientific evidence.

  16. No, not much, but I sure do appreciate you asking for scientific evidence.

    To be very clear, there is evidence, but it's not very good evidence, and doesn't seem too scientific. The only worthwhile academic research in my opinion is by Ian Stevenson, department head of psychiatry at U of Virginia. He was a little different as scientists go, experimenting with LSD and mescaline to basically see what he could see. He attempted to gather evidence of reincarnation by interviewing children and hearing their stories about past lives. But even Stevenson admitted that "the evidence is not flawless and it certainly does not compel such a belief. Even the best of it is open to alternative interpretations, and one can only censure those who say there is no evidence whatever." In addition, Stevenson's methods have been criticized as faulty and prone to error. See skepdic link for more info.

    Also, to clear up any misconceptions, the death of a body leaves neither imbalances in energy nor mass that might violate the laws of conservation. There is a persistent myth that this happens, having been sourced from a myth borne from a poorly performed and unsuccessfully duplicated experiment on dead bodies (see snopes link), but it remains only urban legend and not science. Bodies do not, in fact, lose a mysterious amount of mass upon death.

  17. > Is there any scientific evidence or hints to an afterlife?

    No good evidence.  There're only the anecdotal "near death experience" stories.

    > there is a soul separate from the physical body?

    No scientific evidence, sorry.

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