
Is there any scientific evidence people came from the Middle East?

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One of the main differences between the creation theory and the evolution theory is that people came from Africa according to evolution and the Middle East according to creation. Is there any scientific evidence that people came from the Middle East or does it all point to Africa?




  1. First off, nothing in the Bible says anything about the Garden of Eden being in the Middle East. Thats conjencture on the part of people trying to identify place names in the Bible. And since the worlds oldest known civilizations were in the Middle East, as well as being the historic home of the Jews, the Middle East seemed like a good guess.

    But to answer your question, it is pretty much unanimous in the scientific community that humans came from Africa.

    The fossil evidenceis there.

    The thing about the creation myths is that they tell you the world is 6000 years old. We can prove that is sooo much older.

  2. My english teacher told me that too but I don't know of any evidence :( Search it up online i guess

  3. The whole point of Christianity is faith.  You either believe it or you don't.  That means believing people came from the Middle East just because that's what God's word says...

    It's not the being perfect that gets us approval.  It's whether or not we believe God with no more "proof" than that Scripture says so.  I, personally, believe...

    Scripture says, "“The fool has said in his heart, there is no God” (Psa. 53:1).

  4. If "Man" came from the Middle East, the most likely spot would be surrounding the Black Sea!

    Up until about 7,000 years ago, it was a freshwater lake, until the salty Mediterranean crashed through at Bospuros, Turkey!

    There's evidence of farming several miles off the modern day coasts, at the very bottom, but divers can't access any artefacts because of a Hydrogen Sulfide layer at the bottom of this Sea!

    An early Homo erectus was found in modern day Georgia, dating to 1.6 million years ago, so this location would be a top candidate!

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