
Is there any scientific proof to back up reike?

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Everyone I know that has had it swears by it, even the skeptics, but I cannot figure out how it works.




  1. I'm researching this very subject and the answer to your question is that no one has figured it out -yet!

    There have been a number of scientific studies done (Google reiki science ) and further research is currently being carried out both in the UK and elsewhere.

    The possibilities lie in the mysteries of Quantum Mechanics and Informational Energy but there is no proof of anything. Mind you, there is no proof of Gravity; scientists can't explain that either.

    There have been measurements taken of an electro-magnetic pulse coming from the hands of healers (not just reiki) that varies in wavelength through a certain range of the spectrum.  It is known that certain body parts are kick started to heal at various different wavelengths and pulsing an injury with electro-magnetic waves is a treatment commonly used by western medicine. (Defibulators for the heart, Faraday machines etc). Colour Therapy also falls into this catagory as different colours are just different wavelengths of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

    Where the energy comes from is out there in the quantum universe and how the symbols 'carry' the energy is explained quite well by the hypothesis of Informational Energy.  

    It is a fascinating study, if a little mind-boggling!

  2. Everyone I know says it works too. I don't think there is scientific "proof," but they have done studies and reiki out performs a placebo every time.

  3. well I don't think any of the Alternative Methods of Healing are Scientifically Proven.  That may and never will happen.  That's how come those Methods are NOT the top of the line accepted in society.  They probably can be proven but that would mean losing out on a LOT of money on the traditional medical way.

  4. I am so glad to hear from someone like Nat who feels, as I do, that the scientific answer lies somewhere in the area of quantum physics.  Einstein proved that all mass is nothing but energy.  The energy is the underlying presence in the entire universe.  Homeopathic remedies are "potentized" with energy (every septic gets hung up on the dilution aspect of them).  Flower essences have the same energetic action and don't even have to be ingested to be effective.

    I have taken the level I course in animal Reiki and have several books with stories of its healing effect with animals.  I have just begun doing Reiki with shelter bunnies and cats and am excited about its potential.  Like homeopathy the same "technique" is used with both animals and people.  I offer Reiki to the animals as a group and have not worked "hands on" with individual animals.  Animal Reiki practitioners treat wild animals from a distance.

    A friend was at my home yesterday and she described doing some hands-on work on a neighbor's dog.  She said as she was working a flock of birds settled in the large tree under which she was working with the dog.  When I do my clearing and meditation in the garden I offer Reiki to the chickens next door (who give me delicious eggs to eat) and the birds twittering in the trees.

    Animals don't have their consciousness "muddied up" with scientific or rational considerations.  They are much more in tune with universal reality than we poor humans who must have a rational (Descartian) explanation for everything.

  5. My friend who survived Hodgkins lymphoma but had health problems afterward took Reike classes.  One day I had horrible cramping.  I thought Reike was a bunch of nonsense, but she treated me with reike and I let her just to be polite, but it really did work, and in about 10 minutes, all my cramping was gone!!  I sort of thought it was just by chance, but...

    About 3 months later, I had a severe asthma attack when I move in that friends house and she had a cat that I was highly allergic to.  I couldn't stop wheezing and coughing.  My friend's boyfriend was there, and he ran the holistic healing center and taught Reike classes.  He asked if he could give me a Reike treatment for my asthma.  I went along with it to be polite, even though I didn't expect anything, but WOW!!---it really worked, and in about 5 minutes, all my symptoms disappeared even thought the cat was still there!!!

    Later, I noticed my roommate's benign tumor that she had had on her upper eyelid had suddenly disappeared the next time I saw her.  I remarked that her eye tumor had gone--the one the doctors said would requird surgery to get rid of.  She told me that her boyfriend, (the same one who treated my asthma with Reike) had Reiked her eye one night and the next morning, the tumor had vanished!!!!  She had had that tumor for about 6-7 years and with one Reike treatment it disappeared overnight.

    I was a skeptic, but because of all these remarkable things I witnessed first hand, I realized that there must be something to it.  This just proves that Reike can work even if you don't believe it will work (as with my case).

  6. Nope

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