
Is there any scientific proof to suggest that reincarnation is a possibility?

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Is there any scientific proof to suggest that reincarnation is a possibility?




  1. No.

  2. Regenerated Clone of an ancient living entity will have everything same, except the memory.

  3. The masters of Science are privy to the ancient scriptural disclosures of the Spiritual energy force defining humanity and its prodigious manifestation. A cognitive study of this energy and its attributes of Omniscient omnipresence is known but as yet unpublished.

    Science has in actuality no conclusively reliable evidence to substantiate any data hitherto immune to being falsified should one seek to invalidate the same.

    Unfortunately the scholars of science, similarly to disciples of religion and spirituality , focused upon minutiae are admittedly following a path to a truth they are yet to behold and without knowing cannot seek to prove.

    At times it would appear the institutions of Science and Religion fall victim to the novices seeking personal laud at the expense of the same said than any revelations to give credence to both precariously exposed to defamation and maligning, schools or paths of study.

    **What is life but a cycle of circumstance. What is the soul but a template of specific ingrained responses to external causal radiators. Empathic synchronicity conjoins ones thinking to another’s by nature of similar disposition or life pattern. Playing the part by another individual of one they feel assimilated with is social interaction in its ordinate form, and subconscious mimicry in the extreme.

    Isolated encapsulated minds conjure up with imagination vivid experiences that may bear a semblance of similarity to another historical figure. The subconscious is infinitesimal in its capacity to remember data inherited from our forebears who themselves have done so right back to the onset of time.

    Endeavouring to prove a reincarnation requires both scientific and philosophical application of analysis. Should we find such a charming and interest worthy character worthy of such examination maybe science might be inspired to conduct research upon such a one. This cannot be executed until the same said person has full knowledge of his present and any past incidental he may feel he is a part of. **

  4. Yes, there has been research studying the genes and the possibility of "memory genes" being passed on. What that means is you may receive DNA from your great great great aunt or something which includes some of her memory, hence the speculation of reincarnation from other people or past lives (but not animals or plants).  

  5. no

  6. No, there is no proof at all.

  7. Reincarnation is impossible, that is why, it is beautiful, ideal & sacred!

  8. Gen Patton;  United State Army.

    Believed he was a the reincarnation of the Carthaginian general Hannibal, or a Roman legionary, or a Napoleonic marshal

  9. Precognition.

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