
Is there any side effect for taking too many sleep pills?

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can you send me some reserch or 10 points!




  1. Please don't try it.

  2. u can die

  3. Are you slow or something!

    YOU DIE!!!!

    How do you think marylin Monroe and JFK's brother died!

    They use an overdose of sleeping pills to kill ppl sometimes and make it look like an accident.

    You dont need to take a huge ammount to just fall asleep forever

  4. not waking up

  5. over sleeping

  6. that would be death

  7. death

  8. Death. And why don't you just research it yourself? It would be alot easier.

  9. Here's some research...

    Heath Ledger.

    If you take too many sleeping pills (with or without combining them with other drugs), your respiration and heart can slow down and even stop, thus resulting in death.

  10. Yes there is. You should not overdose on drugs, especially pills. There should be a certain amount labeled on the bottle that you should take every few hours or days. Overdosing could lead to malfunctioning of certain body organs or consequently death. Please be very careful. If you overdose on those pills please go to the emergency room asap!

  11. Yes, you could die!!

  12. ♦ drowsy, confusion, lethargy, dizziness..

    depress the central nervous system and you can die from taking to many sleeping pills..~

  13. YOU DIE

  14. Yup, you wont wake up. your breathing will slow in your sleep, until you die while sleeping.

  15. it actually has the reverse effect if you take to many. they act as uppers. what an idiot

  16. assuming it's not a lethal dose, and depending on the drug, you could be left with the mother of all hangovers and want to sleep for a week.

  17. you can get addicted. if you take them like..every night.

    but like..poppin pills kinda way. worst case cenario?


    have fun w// that.

  18. yes, death.

  19. Here is some research........

  20. drowsiness ;)

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