
Is there any significance to be born exactly at midnight.?

by Guest65780  |  earlier

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My birthday is about a few minutes. im staying up for it. but i always been curious, is there anything about being born at midnight?




  1. It depends what you believe...

  2. You have the same odds of being born any other minute of the day.

  3. jesus was born on the midnight hour somehow i can tell that your somewhat imaginative and open to everybody

    actually there's nothing very much special about it it is an ordinary because there are millions of people born on the midnight its just same thing as being born in morning or in night but i remember a thing I read i a book & even through my own experiences that:

    Shining like light & blooming like a flower

    Those born On midnight hour

    Happy Birthday

    May you have a happy life if you have done good deeds

  4. It has the same significance as being born on February 29th.  The ultimate is to be born at Midnight January 1st 2000 or 2001 for obvious reasons.

    It is just rare to be born at midnight.  Statistically your chances of being born at midnight is the same as being born at any other time.

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