
Is there any soldier or vet that has any doubt about how this administration truly feels about them?

by Guest67105  |  earlier

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WASHINGTON - Dozens of U.S. troops in Iraq fell sick at bases using "unmonitored and potentially unsafe" water supplied by the military and a contractor once owned by Vice President d**k Cheney's former company, the Pentagon's internal watchdog says.




  1. The American soldier is being treated like c**p by the Bush administration...imo.

  2. I worked for the head of Public Health for SAC and again at ACC. He went on to be the Chief for Public Health for the AF Surgeon General before he finally retired. I can tell you that throughout history, public health problems have incapacitated more military than the enemies. This is a fact. Keeping the water supply, food supply, and sanitation facilities safe are among the most difficult challenges on the battle field. Somebody screwed up LOCALLY, but it does happen.

    Quit trying to make everything about Bush/Cheney.

  3. They love you when you are carrying a gun for them, then forget you. Been that way a long, long time.

    Why did you have to bring d**k Cheney into the conversation?  That labels you , you know.  You might as well write for the NY TImes.  

    Somebody screwed up.  Putting civilian contractors in to run things for the military instead of having the military manage things may be a mistake.  The Gulf war syndrome is now being blamed on poisoning at least in part by insecticides we sprayed to kill sand fleas.  Who knows who mixed them?

    In GW I, water supplies were contaminated by local workers who put dead animals in the tanks. Not the first time.

  4. Oh so because Cheney owned this supplier... how many years ago? he is responsible... idiot.

    The Army makes lots of mistakes... I'll bet if half the mistakes made during Korea, WW2 came to light you people would have collective cow.

    Please, find something useful to "alert" people over like the fact that Hillary is a communist and will tax us to death and Obama is a socialist and would do the same. Why don't you look into the details of they plans and report them?

    How looking into "Queen Hillary"? How she threw a tantrum if someone even looked at her?

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