
Is there any solution?

by  |  earlier

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there has to be a solution to the horse problem with "Tracheal Regurgitation Of Larynx Laceration" i have seen the reprocussions of this terrible problem and i just want to know what we can do to solve this CAPITAL problem.




  1. I hear it can cause a nasty Rash of Epidermal Posterior Odema and Reactive Thrush -like Symptons not suitable for treatment with topical applications.

    Treatment tends to be time consuming and repetitive.

  2. It sure is a CAPITAL problem. I am sorry to say that I do not have a solution, other than to Pray for UNeduCated HeaTHEns More IN THE Future, And hope they CarE for their horses better.


    THroat enlargement, Usually accoMpanied By pusS, and Degeneration Of the WiNd pipe;

    REstricted Pharynx OR TonsilS

    what a horrible ailment...

  3. I am not sure what this even is....

    What makes is a CAPITAL problem?

    I will google....

  4. Well John I sure am puzzled as to how we can all adress and solve this capital problem. seems to me this dreaded disease is caused by a parasite that is immune to many medications. I know Safeguard , Quest and Ivercare won't irradicate the lil worms.... Penicillin only temporarily relieves the symptoms..... I'm just at a lost Perhaps if we started corporal punishment for this capital problem.. wait wait sorry thinkning of another issue.. anywho lets see what we could all think of to irraduicate these parasites. Maybe the forum willl have some ideas ;)

  5. I'm right with you. First we should start with consumer awareness. How many horse owners even realize what a capital problem this is?!! :)

  6. This is a HOWRSE question right?  HA HA HA!!!


    Hey Black Bunny! It's unblocked I think!

  7. There is a solution.

    As you are well aware, I would generally post my feelings about it.

    I hesitate now, as it  may result in me receiving yet ANOTHER email equivalent of a verbal spanking from the yahoo answers team...

  8. Whattttttt? I thought every one knew the answer to this one! Collect the p**p and pee your horse drops ( You have to be vigilant in collecting the pee)and place it in a composter near by. The resulting ammonia stragectly aimed will clear the Tracheal airways in no time

  9. I think cold hosing could give temporary relief.

  10. ROTFL

    Fabulous question - have a star for bringing this tragic occurence to everyones attention!  Juliane, you are fab  :D

  11. Juliane you hit the right answer right on the horses nose.

    this is a problem, that most horse owners are clueless on.

    if we could make all horse owners aware of this, maybe then it can be detected early and the horse saved, or at least maybe a lot of the cases would caught in time.

    but in order to make every horse owner aware, then the entire world would have to be on the same page, and of course they are not, as most do not care, as long as they have working horses or a horse to ride, most I have seen do not care for their horses properly.

    for those of us that really love horses and do care for them the right way, all we can do is pray for the people to catch on and take notice.

  12. Treat it like I do seedy toe.  I'm sure with the myriads of expert advice that can be found on this taking a little of this and a little of will come up with some sound and knowledgeable advice.  Don't forget to color coordinate.

    *** it AM...close it up when you're ready...

  13. I'm not to sure about the horse problem with that dreaded disease..but I can certainly vouch for all the orifices (meant offices) at the CAPITOL that have been plagued with the same symptoms....must be a cloneable how to eradicate it (them) Hmmmmm.........can it be reported or possibly ignored?  Could be immuned...


    Juliane-- so eloquently have a way with words!! Of course, you too john r


    I was Blinded by the Symptoms POSThaste.  This just may be an example of the future of the disease..(too long to write out) and soon the repercussions noticed.


    First, I think the symptoms need to be identified.  I have lost points because of this disease and my inability to find a "cure".  I wonder if others that suffer would be willing to ban together and discuss more in depth in a different venue so a strategy can be determined to try and rid the horses affected and their humans concerned about this  recurring issue. Every MAn InvoLved!

    And women Too!! Does that make sense?
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