
Is there any <span title="............................?????">............................</span>

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is there any makeup trick that can make my nose look straighter and smaller???????

my nose is really big and it has 2 bumps in it

they make my nose look like its very small at the top and then it gets bigger and bigger

is there any trick i could use to cover the bumps and make them not show

what kind of makeup should i use????????????

please i need ur help..........





  1. the trick is to contour your nose.

    Apply to straight lines down the center of the nose of a shade slightly darker than your natural/foundation shade. Apply a lighter contour shade on the concave area ( the area that goes in) and apply a darker contour shade on the convex ( the part that sticks out) area.

    that should help to make your nose look striaghter.

    I do not know exactly where you nose will look smaller - or bigger after you do that so I will just tell you what to apply and where:

    In the areas that that are too big apply the darker contour shade. And in the areas that are too small apply the lighter shade.

    Note: it is not always wise to make your nose smaller for it may look unproportioned with the rest of your face.

    What you can use for contouring is a cream, eyeshadow, or some contour powder. It would be best to invest in a contour cream or powder though. the eyeshadow you can use untill you get your hands on some contouring product.

    Contouring can be really tricky and you should practice first. Make sure you blend well and do this infront of a natural light so you can see if you haven&#039;t blended nicely. You most likely will not get it perfect the first time you try but keep trying it does work.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Well it doesnt give fantastic, amazing results but it will help a little.

    You need a face highlighter you can get these from anywhere in a range of prices and it should have instructions on the back but really all you do is apply it down the nose it gives the ilusion your nose is thinner but like i said its not magic and wont give brilliant results

  3. nope..well a noise job

  4. go to a salon and ask them. they will tell you.  

  5. well you cant cover them, since its part of your nose and whatnot-

    but you can take white eyeshadow, put some on your finger, and pat the eyeshadow down your nose in two parallel lines. (one on the left, one on the right)

    this should help =]

  6. If the bumps make any shadows you could try putting a highlighter in those valleys... but it would be at the expense of possibly looking like you have random shiny spots.  

  7. not really... there is nothing that can help! Except getting a nose job.

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