
Is there any special device to evaluate pod shattering in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)?

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Is there any special device to evaluate pod shattering in rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)?




  1. There are so many companies out there in the world of "material testing" that the equipment would be, by sheer numbers, impossible to list. There are so many ongoing research projects at so many universities that it boggles the mind. Below is just one company that makes general brittleness testing equipment.

  2. This problem is often severe. When the pods and seeds approach a dryness where the seed will store well, below 14% moisture, it is predictable that shattering risk will rise sharply.

    With a crop that is not drying down uniformly, it can be very difficult to time harvest to avoid all shattering. We have seen one day no seed visible on the ground, a bit of hail, and 90% of the pods shattered. We had been waiting for late drying pods to dry down.

    With a more uniformly drying crop, we have done repeated moisture tests and have never had a shattering problem until moisture level drops below 16% by weight. It has always been risky to leave it to dry down to 14%.

    We have adopted the practice of harvesting higher, drier land, leaving lower damper soil to be harvested a few days later.

    But, when the pods in the same area of the field are not drying down evenly, we would go for harvesting at 16% moisture and drying mechanically.

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