
Is there any sport where being short is an advantage?

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I'm short and for most sports it's better to be tall. Are there any where shortness is an advantage?




  1. swimming  

  2. Yes! Gymnastics is the sport that most short people do. It's an advantage because it's easier to flip and you have a lower center of gravity.

  3. Limbo competitions...

  4. jockeys are short and are very light in weight...many other sports out there doesn't really matter the person size but about fighting, karate, etc..shooting, skateboarding, snowboarding, golf, swimming, soccer, football, baseball, surfing  only "tall" sport comes to my mind is "basketball"

  5. well if your fast and short [and can jump high], then play soccer =]

  6. errr, you be any height and play soccer and be good...unless you wanna go pro, cricket?youdon't have to be tall...

  7. Actually I am short like you and I played Point guard for my basketball team for 4 years. I found that being short if you are a point guard is helpful and if you look most point guards are the shortest person on there team!

  8. Horse jockeys have to be both short and maintain low body weight. That's more of a sport than many people think.

  9. no

  10. none that i've found.

    so i play golf now. it doesn't really matter that i'm a shorty.

    other advantages: guy to girl ratio... and good for collage. lol.

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