
Is there any study or reliable source out there that suggests you need to be somewhat intelligent to be funny?

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Is there any study or reliable source out there that suggests you need to be somewhat intelligent to be funny?




  1. I thought that in order to find something funny it had to do with taste rather than intelligence.

    Some slow people can be funny but then you usually laugh at them and not because of them. And sometimes it's the other way around. I do think the more you know the less you can be suprised by a good joke cause you heard them all and are able to remind them..

    Take me for instance. I was given a choise at birth :

    1) I could either get a very good memory or.....

    2) turn into this amazingly hot guy that women adore

    However I can't remember what I chose. lol

    Best of luck from holland

  2. i doubt it

    some of the funniest people i know are a bit slow

  3. Yes, and a stroke of brilliance too! ::

    "Medical scientists say that with medical advances in fifty years Man might be able to live 175 or 200 years!.

    ≈≈≈Yeah, that's all we need ~ another 150 YEAR OLD DRIVER ON THE ROAD!"≈≈≈

    It took more brains than I have to think that up!


  4. Mensa have a check list for gifted children, "children with a high IQ usually have a very developed sense of humour". So I should think that this same rule follows with adults. Some humour rellies on irony, so therefore an ability for abstract thought would be required.  

  5. most comedians these days base their acts on real life. So you would have to have a reasonable amount of intelligence to know what is going on in the world, so that you can write a few gags.

  6. My bfs funny & hes far from intelligent!

    Has other qualities though!

  7. i dont think there isn't. i might not be the smartest person, though my classmate claim i am, but i am not that much of a funny person at all, at least thats wat i think. people around me can say any joke and i would be one of the persons who will not get it or not think of it as to being funny at all. i say each person is unique, smart, and funny in their own way. one of my friends considers me as to being funny and i cant hardly believe that it is true cuz i am a very boring person.

  8. no because people who are slow or a bit stupid with what they do are funny at times

    so i definately believe tht is not true because you can find anything funny really depending on your sense of humour

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