
Is there any such thing as a 'Heart Breaker'? Are certain lovely poeple predisposed to break hearts ....

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.... even if they don't mean to do it?

I met a heart-breaker last year and I am certain he has broken many hearts before mine and I am certain he never meant to hurt anyone.





  1. 'Heartbreaker' is just a nice, sweet, romanticized nomenclature for a selfish, self-centered, all-about-ME-ME-MEEEEEE Jack-azz of either s*x.

    Just a really pretty-on-the-outside, ugly-on-the-inside, amoral individual who refuses to take responsibility for his/her own actions in hurting others, but says he/she "just can't help it" and they're sooooo PRETTY we let them get away with treating us that way.

    And justify our stupidity by using the excuse that he/she is "just a heartbreaker" and can't help it anyway.

    That way, you are NOT an idiot for falling for the smooth lies of a professional player.

    EVEN YOU DID IT!!!  "I'm SURE he never MEANT to hurt anyone."  So it's okay you got played.  It's not your fault for not listening to your little voice.

  2. Yes.  But I believe there are 2 kinds of Heart-Breakers: The Innocent and the Guilty.

    The "Innocent" are just lovely and folks fall in love with them almost instantly.  Obviously, any unilateral crush isn't really a heart-felt relationship, but if the Innocent doesn't return your affections, your unrequited infatuation leaves you feeling heartbroken, nonetheless.

    The Guilty are the dangerous ones.  This includes players and ho's.  They're the intentional predator, though some lie in wait like prey.  They seek out there victims, or attract them, and lead them on.  They're chamelions... capable of taking on the appearance of having very different relationships with multiple folks, but arguably... none reflect the true person.  

    Eventually, of course, various relationships cross paths and the ruse collapses.  They are genuinely sorry for hurting you, being unfaithful, lying, etc.... and they may express a sincere desire to change, just to get you to forgive them.  They may try to deny their nature, but a scorpion is a scorpion, no matter what he tells you, and there will always be a trail of stung victims in their past.  Obviously, I don't know who you're speaking of... but my guess is that he's not some naive Innocent heart-breaker.   He probably knows exactly what he's done.

  3. Soldout pretty much has it nailed.


    Re the 'innocent' variety: people learn quickly the affect they have on others, so there is no excuse for 'innocently' breaking people's hearts past age 16.

    Btw  We are of course ruling out the kind of needy person who becomes the victim of their own delusions and fantasies about others. These people can be just as much a menace as heartbreakers e.g. stalkers, at the extreme end of the scale.

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