
Is there any such thing as a healthy takeaway?

by  |  earlier

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Cause I can't be ar**d to do cooking today.




  1. Go by a whole meal sandwich, fruit pack and salad. Healthy yummy.

  2. GO to the EXTREME PITA its DELICOUS its really HEALTHY

  3. possibly subway.

  4. Sometimes

  5. Chinese take aways are healthier that burgers, kebabs, curries, pizza, fish and chips, they don't use that much fats and most dishes are quick stir fried to conserve the nutrients

  6. I don't think there is, no.


  8. I'd go for subway (although you might have to ask for no sauce no cheese) or a kebab. But not a dirty donner kebab. A nice lamb or chicken shish with loads of salad and no burger sauce. And no chips!

  9. subway is the clostest thing you get or a home cook place

  10. Don't sound USA, sounds UK. Supposedly filtered water. Only choice. Unless you find Green Tea.

  11. yup go to shop by a lettuce wash it A bingo eat it thats healthy  lol

  12. Order a big salad & a medium pizza so they will deliver it.  Eat the salad.  Put the pizza in the fridge for tomorrow.

  13. Surely if its in moderation and a one off it wont be a problem!

    Tuck in and enjoy!!

  14. have sushi(:

    yuummiest thing ever.

    and its not just raw fish, its got all these nice vegetables and sauces and things ^^ yum. i love it

    oh yeah and its big time healthy x]

  15. Try the chinese. They dont talk much but you feel better after.

  16. subway dude

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