
Is there any such thing as a smaller driving intensice course???

by  |  earlier

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i have had like 18 driving lessons now and reli reli need to pass like now is there any such thing as like a week course that isnt like 400 pound to start from scratch???




  1. It used to be that 10-12 hour long lessons were enough to pass the test.

    Recently driving instructors have got greedy and stall things out and tell people they need like 4o lessons. Nonsense.

    Find yourself a decent driving instructor.


  2. no, but there are INTENSIVE ones !!!


  4. dunrobin - what a load of b*llocks! There is NO WAY you could learn to drive in 10-12 hours. The test centres I cover, you would probably need 10-12 hours just to learn the areas, all the different lanes on all the different roundabouts and junctions. I think dunrobin must have passed their test in the 1960's when there were no cars on the road!

    Most instructors could do a week course of two hours a day, but that would still cost about £200, but unfortunately, with the constant rise in fuel costs that is what you will pay.

    I can't understand why everyone is so against driving instructors and the amount they charge. Noone says the same about music teachers who charge MORE than the average driving instructor - and they don't have a brand new car to pay for, insure, service every 6 months, tyres like there's no tomorrow, fuel (OMG!!) car washes, etc etc....

  5. Dunrobin knows nothing, maybe he should take up his beef with the DSA, who set the extremely high standards of the UK Driving test.

    You can get  a short course from any decent Instructor - just ask and he/she will tailor the lessons to your needs.

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