
Is there any tests I can take for dyscalculia?

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For a long time I've had the problem of comprehending math problems, I recently found out about dyscalculia and it sort of sounds a lot like the problem I've been having. How do I find a test to prove or disprove that I have it?




  1. Dyscalculia, like dyslexia, is a very specific learning disability. The previous response's claim that it is new and it cannot be accurately diagnosed is incorrect. In fact, about 6% of school aged children have some form of difficulty with processing mathematics--this is approximately the same number as people with reading disabilities. However, reading disorders are more commonly diagnosed and remediated.

    Dyscalculia is described by a marked difficulty in learning and applying mathematical principals, despite normal intelligence and adequate instruction. It is diagnosed in much the same way as any learning disability (a psycho-educational evaluation that can be done in any public school). Diagnosis would be based not only on cognitive and intellectual data and results of educational achievement tests (there are standardized, individual achievement tests focused only on math performance, but generally information is found for all academic areas so that comparisons can be made), but on overall performance and clinical judgement.

    A parent or guardian can request a full evaluation through a school, or (for a relatively expensive fee), many agencies do private evaluations outside of school systems.

  2. I have done research and research and even more research on dyscalculia and am sad to say that there is not a test out there that is specifically designed to diagnosing it. It is a real learning disability and effects thousands of people every year. You have to find someone who knows what dyscalculia is and what the characteristics are of it. From there they would do a number of simple arithmetic test on you and even some simple reading test to find out if have the disability or not. Its just too new of a discovery for there to be any kind of test for it yet. Although there is tons of information out there on the subject. You should google it and read some of it. It really is fascinating. I believe that its about time people realize that not everyone can do math. Not everyone is able to read very well why should everyone be able to do math???

  3. I had my son tested for dyslexia with a distance test through this site and he was diagnosed with disgraphia and dicalculia also. You  may want to look into it if there isn't testing available locally. I found it was less expensive than what i could find locally, but a very comprehensive test, with a thorough feedback from specialists.

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