
Is there any thing like viagra you can buy over the counter

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like at gnc or a health foor store?




  1. Go to mexico and buy ALL the Viagra you want! vamonos!

  2. not sure

  3. i dont think so dear

  4. Ginko Biloba, which I'm sure you've heard of, can be somewhat effective as a viagra substitute.  Although it main known use is for increased memory, it's effects work the same for the p***s.  The herb increase blood flow to the brain as well as to smaller vessels throughout the body.  The side effects are minimal to none in most.

    The most popular alternative is Yohimbe, an african herbal extract that you can pick up at any health food store.  There have been many studies done on this herb and it's extremely effect.  It can be taken directly before intercourse and it begins working very quickly.  Although this one works better it does come with more serious side effects.  Some people may experience headaches, insomnia, or irritability.  

    Hope this helps.  

  5. Of course, Watermelon. Its been proven to have most of the same properties as viagra.

  6. Yes but they are not for long term use like viagra.

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