
Is there any thing wrong if you use your spare time at work to study or do your home work?

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I am a full time college student taking evening clasees and work full time during the day. Really dont get time some time to study . But at work some time i have nothing to do even if ask my supervisor if he need any help. If I use that extra time to do my home is there anything wrong with this. Is it ethical? Am sure there many out there who might have the same question.




  1. If your supervisor doesn't mind and as long as it's spare time,

    why not. Study whenever you can.

  2. I don't believe it's ethical. When you're at work, you're getting paid, and you should be doing something FOR your employer. There is always something that needs to be organized, straightened, cleaned, etc.

  3. As a former employer, I can tell you that this is theft.  You are stealing time and your pay from your employer and they would of course have every right to fire you.  

    However, as a human being, all you need to do is use your words!  Go to your employer and explain everything you just explained here and see how he feels about this.  If he is opposed, then you need to stop or find a new job.  If he has no problem with the situation....then you are good to go.  But if that is the case, make sure you do not abuse the privilege.  And also realize that he may change his mind at any time and the rules might change.  He's the boss.  

    Employers in college towns often bend over backwards to accomodate the needs of students.  They are generally really great people and have been supportive of students since they opened their doors.  But you have to communicate and then police yourself to assure you are worthy of his trust not to abuse.  

    Remember though, once out of college ....... you would likely be given your walking papers.

  4. no

  5. I wouldn't see why not  just as long as you manager doesn't mind you doing so...

  6. You can use your break, or lunch time anyway you like, however if you use paid on the clock time to do your homework, you will have to make sure that you get the green light from your direct supervisor, or boss.

  7. I don't think that the question even involves ethics.  If it's O.K. with your supervisor, then there's nothing to worry about.  I work in a job where I wait for stores to call our corporate office with problems.  In my downtime, I will read a book or check the news online, and some of my co-workers do school work.  It's never been a problem here.

  8. No. If they see you studying or doing something not work related then it will look like you are not busy. If there is not work for you, then there is no need of you. If you work where you are not needed and show that there's no work there, then you might not have a job for long. Do something to busy your self. Clean, organize, ask other co-workers...

  9. I think it may depend on your job.  I used to be a manager at a hotel and I had no problem if the front desk staff did homework while on duty since they can't do anything unless someone comes in.  I still think that they can help with tidying their areas first, but if nothing else can be done, than I would prefer them doing homewrok rather than going online like so many do.

  10. If nothing is going on at the moment and you have nothing to do, then ask your boss if he minds that you study or do school work.  Just remember when you are at work, your first priority is to work.

  11. It isn't really ethical. You are paid to do your job, not study. It seems to me that your supervisor is the one that needs a new job...he isn't doing his very well!

  12. you are not really supposed to have spare time at work. You supervisor is not doing her job properley.

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