
Is there any treat that guinea pigs absolutley love?

by Guest31789  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a treat to give my pig that it could never shy away from if I feed it to her. Any ideas?




  1. mine used to love parsley

  2. Sweet corn. If this doesn't work, try peanut butter.

  3. carrots

    or get him lik a house that thy can hide in and also eat!!=]]]

  4. Apple slices.

  5. dandielions and there leaves thats a weed in the garden dont give it them when it has the parashoot seeds on them give it them when its yellow and looks like a flower they might like the flower but see what part they like  

  6. lettuce or carrots

  7. As a treat - only as a treat to prevent diarrhea - you can feed it green cabbage (never red), cauliflower, ripe apples, carrots, pears, cucumbers, and melons. Cucumbers are especially good for a "Weight Watchers", Parsley, lettuce, oranges

  8. they love carrots, the tast and texture is what they love

  9. little slices of orange.. my guinea pig luvs them.......

  10. my chinchillas loved raisens try those i guess.

  11. Really any veggies and fruits. Just be careful because some things might be hard for them to digest.

  12. carrot that is their favorites

  13. give her carrots or maybe even lettuce they are supposed to love them also give them strawberries they love them alot and also raspberries they love them also lol.   also my friend gives her guinea pig bananas and she loves it

    oops i forgot something, oranges are also on their top 5 favorite foods

    hope that helps


  14. my guinea pigs loves apples and oddly enough watermelon

  15. crackers

  16. bannnaana

  17. alfalfa hay or timothy hay

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